for years now we have heard of the manipulation of the gold price.For those of us who believe in this,the question now is how long the people involved can keep this going...Now I'm no genius, but i do know one thing: NEVER TRUST THE GOV'T. So here I am tonight asking this of all of you,the people whom I do trust. Is it possible that the gov'ts of the world could ride out this gold storm? We can all agree that the gov't has..ahem.."misinformed" people in the past. Through its influences in the media, gov't agency reports, gold stockpiles, seems to have done a good enough job so far.(the ONLY job they've done good enough!).But the last thing gov'ts need right now is runaway gold prices,and i believe they will try anything and everything to prevent that. To what level will they succeed? any thoughts?..for the record i own som HGU.Cheers guys(and gals).