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Message: A different kind of GOLD Report.

If you want to talk investing, as opposed to trading, what has performed better than Precious Metals over the last 1, 2 or 3 year periods? What am I missing?

Now if we talk trading, take a look at the performance & the chart formations of such things as GLD, K & SSO. GLD has also a nice gain on currency. K & SSO are recently up about 250% & have formations resembling not completed reverse head & shoulders.

I think it is a proven fact that perhaps the most common mistake investors make is to sell their winners & keep their losers. I'm sure you would agree.

As to predicting the future course, I'm sure we'll have great volatility. We are in the midst of a race to the bottom by the major countries of the world to inflate their money supplies. The race is for 2nd & 3rd place. The US has #1 locked up. I remember when Nixon closed the gold window & I've read about other such periods of currency devaluation. Now is one of those periods.

Another interesting point, there appears to be a tremendous appetite for the major gold producers as evidenced by the recent new offerings of between $2 & $3 billion. It has tempered the upward move of this group. However it has helped to stir up activity in the juniors, presumably because of the anticipated takeovers. Why else would the majors want a big wad of cash?

Two I am familiar with OSK & SGR.

Truth is I have no idea how things will play out but I want more wins than losses.

I get the feeling oil has seen the bottom in this area & I'm starting with some Income Trusts.

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