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Message: 1. Gold 2. Oil 3. Agriculture

1. Gold 2. Oil 3. Agriculture

posted on Feb 24, 2009 04:36AM

Thanks Buck for that technical look at gold.

I agree that if we get a run to the downside on equities, some will be selling gold again to fund their positions

but this would again, just be temporary

Just my meandering thoughts, do your own dd

I am looking at the gold/oil ratio that historically has followed a certain trend, but lately is way out of wack

I guess gold could come down (temporarily) but I believe oil will go up (long term)

Back to $147? Not right away, maybe more in the range of $60-80

Drilling has ground to a halt, and the profitablility of the oil sands is not looking good at these prices

So maybe its time to look at some of the beat up oil stocks and dip our toes in?

I love some of the large caps in the U.S. Anadarko, Connoco Phillips, Devon, etc etc but again, I won't be putting anything into U.S. equities because of the U.S. currency being on death row

Thus, what do we have in Canada that is oil based, beaten to a pulp, and ready for some good news?

Petrocan? Suncor? Cdn Natural Res? Encana? Some wildcat drillers? What about the support group? PD? etc

Thoughts appreciated.


Thoughts appreciated

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