Welcome To The 300 Club HUB On AGORACOM

We may not make much money, but we sure have a lot of fun!

Message: Club 300

Club 300

posted on Jun 16, 2009 07:38PM

This is what this forum is all about. Sharing of ideas by many a great poster. I thank Buck for coming through on Ventana. Posting this from the Ventana hub

After a good glass of wine ( ok 3) and an evening of contemplation, I can't believe our good fortune at what this is turning out to be. My question is, Ventana is closing in on market cap of $400 mill. Aru got bought out for less than a billion market cap, Aru had at least 14 m oz of gold and i believe just before they got bought out had at least 20 m oz of gold. What good news is coming down the pipe for Ventana. Must be good if not very good. Wes


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