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Message: austrian bank releases gold report

austrian bank releases gold report

posted on Jul 02, 2009 06:20PM

the special gold report 2009 is a free download from erste bank at this site. here are the highlights:

Special Report Gold 2009: "In Gold we trust"
- Outstanding risk/return ratio for gold investments
- Wall Street discovers gold
- Austrian School of Economics: massive expansion of money supply as basis for a gold bull market?
- Gold is still in the early stages of a bull market - rise with the biggest momentum is yet to come
- A strong case for gold mining shares
- CoT Report indicates massive short concentration
- First target price 1,300; long term target: inflation adjusted all-timehigh of USD 2,300

i'd like to day more about it, but my file was damaged and wouldn't open. maybe someone else will have better luck.


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