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Message: This Ad has a Gold Co. in Quebec mentioned. Buck or anyone know on it's NAME?

This Ad has a Gold Co. in Quebec mentioned. Buck or anyone know on it's NAME?

posted on Jul 03, 2009 11:17AM

One of the world’s top geologists makes an $80,000 bet…

Now It’s About to Turn Into a $10.1 Billion
Gold Mine

And give you the rare opportunity to “buy” gold
for 17 cents on the dollar today – and make up to
11 times your money by December…

Dear Reader,

In November of 2004, a 44-year-old French Canadian with a crop of white hair (I’ll call him “T.R.”) purchased an abandoned gold mine from a bankrupt mining company.

He paid the princely sum of $80,000 for the land and all the mineral rights it contained. “Princely” because his peers in the gold mining industry thought he was crazy to spend even a dime on it…

The mine hadn’t produced an ounce of gold for over 20 years.

And the owners of the property? They were thrilled at the prospect of making any kind of money from their useless land. Someone would have to be a fool, they said, throwing away good money on a dry rock hole.

But this man was not your “average Joe.”

T.R., it turns out, is now considered one of the top geologists on earth. He and his team have amassed a record of 10 major mining projects – more than almost anyone in the business.

And when he walked that land five years ago – studying the rock formations surrounding the property – his instincts told him one thing: The original mining company had completely missed the big strike.

Other geologists thought he was wacko. They were convinced the large gold veins were totally played out…

Which is why their mining companies had long ago pulled up stakes and moved their operations to more “profitable” areas to the north… beyond the great Cadillac fault in northern Quebec.

But T.R. knew better.

He believed that the real gold strike was still buried in the ground, south of the fault, where no one could see it.

And he set about proving it…

Over the next four years, his small company drilled hundreds of core samples at every depth.

They sent the samples to assay labs for analysis, where they were tested and examined for the presence of the precious metal.

They drilled an amazing 500 kilometers of test holes – over 310 miles of drilling – to prove beyond any doubt what they were sitting on.

That’s an awful lot of holes in the ground, but it was worth the effort.

On November 25, 2008, to little fanfare, this tiny company recorded its scientific findings in an obscure government document.

What they recorded set a new mark in the North American record books:

The discovery of an astounding 8.43 million ounces of gold.

And on June 2nd of this year – just 1,200 yards away from the original site…

They confirmed the discovery of an additional 2.24 million ounces.

Total deposits: 10.67 million ounces of gold.

Total value of the deposits is a record setting $10.1 Billion.

This renegade geologist and his “mom-and-pop” company are now sitting on the largest undeveloped gold reserves in Canadian history…

And the 7th largest in all of North America.

Fact is, T.R.’s “worthless” property – the same land he was ridiculed for even considering – is now one of the most fertile gold fields on the planet.

I’m telling you this for one reason… this small company’s stock is trading for about $7 bucks today.The gold alone makes the shares worth almost five times that.

At this price… this company gives you the rare chance to buy gold for 17 cents on the dollar – an almost automatic “no-brainer” gain on your money of 488%. And the real opportunity to “up” that to 1,100%.

Most investors can count on one finger the times they’ve pocketed a double-bagger on an out-and-out value playlike this. It’s practically unheard of… it almost never happens.

This Window Is Small and Closing Fast…

The only reason I can even share this story with you is because of something I call the “Golden Window.”

You see, the Canadian government requires every gold mining concern to tip its hand to the government – to prove beyond any doubt how much gold they have.

By law, every company has to file this form before they begin mining. And in this case, while share prices are still low.

This filing opens up a very small window of opportunity… the “Golden Window”… that lets you get in on a major gold strike – before a single ounce of gold is mined... And before average investors ever know what’s happening.

And that’s exactly where we are with this company right now.

As I just mentioned, the gold this company owns is worth nearly five times the current price of this stock.

And yet… Because of the economies this company enjoys, every time gold goes up one dollar, this company adds another $10 million to its bottom line.

If gold goes up ten bucks, it adds another $100 million to its bottom line.

When gold hits $2,000 an ounce, it adds $1 billion to its value.

Now, $2,000 gold might sound outlandish to most people outside of the industry.

But for the traders and pit bulls that buy and sell gold all day long, these prices are practically baked in the cake.

Just Wednesday, for instance, professional gold traders made history on the floor of the COMEX exchange in New York.

Of the thousands of gold option trades, a whopping 87% of them call for gold soaring above $1,000 an ounce between now and December.

By the end of the session, an incredible 129,937 contracts called for prices hitting $1,500 to $2,500... within the next 6 months!

Without lifting a finger that could push the value of the small company I’m talking about to $77.70 a share…

... That’s 11 times what it’s selling for right now.

It’s enough to turn every $1,000 into $11,000… simply by hooking onto the most precious material on earth… and hanging on for the ride.

Most investors are going to miss out on this action, because they’re looking in the wrong place. They’re just buying gold.

Poor saps. Anyone who thinks they’re going to get rich owning gold is missing out on the real action in the market.

Sure, gold’s a great way to retain wealth – especially in times like these.

But gold miners give you the chance to leverage the price of gold exponentially… for larger and more substantial profits. I’ll show you how in a moment. Right now, I’d like to show you…

How I Discovered the Largest Gold Mine in Canadian History

My name is Peter Krauth.

Not to brag, but what I do better than anyone else… is pure research.

In fact, that’s how I found this future 11-bagger… by digging through dusty government records looking for my own nuggets of gold… the kernels of information that can hand an investor like me (and you, if you pay attention) exponential returns.

It was during one of my information “mining expeditions” that I came across an obscure government document that few outside the industry know exists… and those who do know about it almost never bother to take the time to look at it.

Yet this report could be one of the most profitable documents in the whole world.

And when I uncovered it, I realized it was about to make some investors very rich.

It’s the NI 43-101 filing. The form is mandatory for all gold mining companies in Canada. It shows the exact grade and quality of gold a company has in the ground.

The clip at right is the NI 43-101 for the company I’m talking about. It verifies the proven reserves of the first 8.4 million ounces of gold.

This information is verified not just by company officers, but by independent geologists and metal experts.

And if any geologist ever put his name onto a document containing false or unverified information, his reputation and his career would be over.

It was this form that alerted me to the real value of this company… and why I felt I needed to bring this to your attention now.

This is the form that opened the “Golden Window” for this company. And you only have a short period of time to take advantage of it.

Why 11 Times Your Money Is a Drop
in the Bucket

For most investors, making 11 times your money on one play is an experience that, by most odds, will never happen in a lifetime.

Yet that’s because most investors know little or nothing about gold.

I’ve been around the mining business for a long time… so I have to tell you:

For gold mining companies… these kinds of profits are common.

It doesn’t take a lot of action to make these stocks double, triple or even quadruple.

Big price movements can happen overnight – and with much greater regularity than most people think.

That’s a fact.

Let me show you what I mean.

Not long ago there was a small mining company – Polymet Mines. It was trading at just 3 cents a share.

In less than 3 years it shot up to $4.70.

That’s an incredible 15,666 % return on investment.

In fact, a measly $300 grubstake would have made you $46,998. It was enough to turn $1,000 into an astounding $156,660.

A $10,000 investment would have handed you $1,566,600.

You see, when you’re starting small and cheap – and you know what you’re doing – there’s virtually no limit on how high you can go…

Just like Aurelian Resources. This gold mining firm went from 33 cents in May 2005 to $ 28.65 in April 2007.

That’s another monster return of 8,581%.

One $10,000 investment in Aurelian would have handed you an almost unbelievable $858,100 for your troubles.

And if history is any indication… this small mining company I just told you about will be seeing a similar price run.

And I’m not talking about a simple double, or a triple.

The fact remains - the right mining company with the right prospects could hand you 2,000%… 5,000%… even 10,000% on your money. And it can do it like lightning.

Why Do You Think They Call It A “Gold Mine”?

You see, gold companies aren’t like regular companies – they turn the traditional “supply and demand” model on its head.

For normal products, high demand drives up prices… short supply and higher demand means prices go up even faster.

Where Gold Prices Are Headed

My expectation is for gold to reach $2000/ounce… and for its eventual high to reach $5000.

The fundamentals of inflation, uncertainty, and its “safe haven” status alone support a price of $2,500. In fact, there’s little doubt that the gold bull market will run unabated.

In fact, the famous Richard Russell of Dow Theory Letters believes that we have entered the beginning stages of gold mania. Jim Rogers has predicted that within 2 years there will be a currency crisis. And even world famous expert Marc Faber said that he is now 100% certain that the U.S. will go into hyperinflation.

Right now, $2,000 to $2,500 an ounce gold looks cheap.

But with gold, it runs completely backwards.

First, gold prices rise… then demand increases – which drives up prices more, which increases demand more… and the increasing demand for gold creates a shortage… which drives up prices… and sends demand through the roof.

It’s a rising vortex of price run-ups and increasing demand – which happens during times like now…

When everyone is jittery about the dollar… when every country on earth is trying to devalue its currency… when the U.S. debt blows beyond 13% of GDP… when bond and stock prices rise and sink, as they recently have.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea…

And right now, gold mining companies are sitting in the cat-bird’s seat…

Today’s market conditions are the perfect breeding ground for outstanding gold mining profits.

Just look at history for the best indication.

In the 1970s, the economy was in a recession, inflation was running rampant, a President had resigned and an unpopular war was ending. Oil prices were spiking, and the Iran hostage crisis had tensions in the Middle East boiling over.

It was the perfect conditions for gold prices to set a record – and they did, reaching $850 by January of 1980.

And just look what happened to the share prices of the gold miners of the time:

· Lion Mines


· Bankeno


· Wharf Resources


· Steep Rock


· Mineral Resources


· Azure Resources


Gold mining stocks have historically handed investors exceptional profits over and over again... especially during times of crises

And now we’re facing eerily similar situations – an expensive war in the Middle East, a raging recession, inflation looming its head just over the horizon…

Research analysts with UBS Securities recently predicted that if the U.S. were to monetize its debt with the equivalent in gold – meaning that every dollar put in circulation by the Fed’s had to be backed up by its equivalent in gold – it would bring the price of gold to a staggering $6,948 an ounce – just to support the value of the U.S. dollar.

… and since the recession began, gold prices have rocketed over the $1,000 mark twice so far.

And gold mining companies have performed just as well as in the past.

Today’s gold companies have already produced exceptional returns… yet the 1,000% – 1,500% profits on these stocks is still in the making…

While the S&P stocks have struggled to keep their heads above water, only delivering an anemic 11% rise in prices (and that’s including the latest rally)…

We’ve Now Reached “Peak Gold”

Current estimates show that the gold supply is currently 50% behind current demand. Bullion is getting harder and harder to find, and gold coins are tougher to buy than ever before.

It’s a sure sign of “Peak Gold.” Like Peak Oil, Peak Gold refers to the fact that, out of all the gold that has been mined in history, 90% has been taken out of the ground in the last 100 years.

What’s left in the ground is now the hardest to extract.

Take a look at this chart put together by GFMS (precious metals researchers) and Barrick Gold (the largest mining firm in the world).

As you can see, the amount of gold being produced is expected to decline significantly over the coming years.

And while the supply is getting lower and lower, demand for the precious metal is growing larger and larger.

… the mining companies I regularly follow have been doing great.

Companies like:

  • CG – Low: $0.95, Nov. 2008
    High: $ 7.54, Apr. 2009
    793 % return
  • OZN – Low: $ 0.15, Dec. 2008
    High $ 0.93, Feb. 2009

    620% return
  • ICI – Low: $ 0.19, Nov. 2008
    High: $ 0.69, May 2009
    363 % return
  • AXR – Low: $ 0.52, Dec. 2008
    High: $ 2.45, May 2009
    471 % return
  • SGR – Low: $ 0.60, Oct. 2008
    High: $ 2.10, Apr. 2009
    350 % return

If you had put just $1000 into each of these five companies, your $5000 investment would right now be worth $25,970.

That’s an average return of 519.4%.

If you’d put $10,000 into each of these stocks – you’d be sitting on a pile of money totaling $259,700.

Not bad for about six month’s “work.”

And the profits are just getting started.

By my estimates, and looking at the historic performances of these mining companies, each of these stocks has at least another 500% to 1,500% to deliver…

and that’s just over the short term.

As gold prices take off these returns could be multiplied an additional ten-fold.

This small Montreal company is already seeing its price start to rocket– even before they mine a single ounce of gold.

Since their first announcement in November of 08, their stock price has already taken off 320%...

But the clock has already started ticking on this opportunity.

How much gold will they be producing?

According to its government filings, this company has confirmed that it will produce over 500,000 ounces of gold every year.

The “golden window” has been opened – now is the time to get in on this firm… before the gold starts coming out of the ground.

Time is counting down…

They’ve already begun taking delivery on the enormous amount of machinery and equipment required to begin operating… and in September 2009, they’ll take delivery on the first of the giant crushers that will pulverize the earth to get the gold out.

Construction has begun on the massive platforms and supports that are going to be holding the equipment.

And once the mining starts it will be too late – latecomers will have already missed the lion’s share of the gains…

Get Ready for the “First Ounce Bounce”

The ‘golden window’ I told you about before doesn’t stay open long.

The time between when the company files the mandatory forms, and when they begin getting gold out of the ground, is the ideal time to make your move, and get in while share prices are cheap.

Gold companies almost always have a steady increase in share price as they ramp up for production… but once the first ounce of gold comes out of the ground… that’s when the share price really takes off. I call that the “first ounce bounce.”

There Is No Banking Crisis in the Mining Business

Regular companies around the world are finding it almost impossible to secure the credit they need to function. Banks are still frozen wastelands. And companies large and small are struggling to get any kind of credit.

But the mining business is enjoying an embarrassment of riches.

Over the last months, gold miners have raised over $42 billion of private funds, allowing them to move forward on a variety of different projects.

And T.R.’s company is no exception.

Private equity investors have been flooding this company with financing over the last months… excited to be in on one of the great mine stories of the decade.

Just this past June 19, 2009, the company announced that they had secured an additional $10 million financing.

At this rate of cash generation, the largest gold reserve in Canada is expected to come online at record speed, handing early investors what could become one of the great runs of all time.

This is what I’m talking about…

  • In August of 2008, Agnico Eagle, a major gold producer, was trading right around $45 a share.

    Then… their new Goldex mine was brought online and went into commercial production. One month later, their shares were trading at $65… an almost 50% bounce in price – in about 30 days.

And smaller miners enjoy an even bigger bounce when they begin producing gold.

  • Like Alamos Gold. In May 2004, they announced they had the permits in place, and would begin mining gold soon. Within 4 months, share prices were up 230%... 2 years later, after they’d begun producing, shares were up 630%.
  • Aurizon Mines. In November 2005, they were trading at $1.30. Then in February 2006 they brought their Casa Berardi Project online, and began producing gold. By May of that year, they were trading at $3.25… up 250% in 6 months.

See, this company is in the ideal position right now.

As the price of gold goes up, their value goes up as well – they don’t even have to mine anything. Every time gold goes up a buck they add another $10 million to the bottom line.

Which is one of the things that is going to make this play such a hands-down winner… it looks like they’re going to begin mining the metal at just about the same time that gold prices are set to reach record highs.

It’s a one-two punch to knock the share price into orbit…

… which is why I say this stock is likely to return 1,100% to savvy investors over the short haul.

This Company Will Make a Fortune Even if Gold “Crashes”

This company estimates that it will be able to get the gold out of the ground at a cost of only $319 an ounce.

First of all, that alone is impressive.

And every time the price of gold goes up, the company becomes that much more profitable.

So they can get the gold out of the ground for a cost of $319 an ounce… but let’s call it an even $300 for now.

And let’s say they can sell it for $1,000.

That’s the potential for a $700 profit on every ounce of gold… or 233%.

Now say the price of gold rises 50% to $1,500/oz.

The producer’s profit has risen to $1,200 ($700 + $500), a total profit of 400%... about 5 times the appreciation of bullion alone.

If gold goes to $2,000, the profit becomes $1,700 – or 566% profit over costs.

Even if the price of gold collapses, this small company is still going to be making money hand over fist.

In fact, gold prices would have to collapse almost 70% for this company to start losing money. And if that ever happened, I’ll wager we’d all be toting rifles.

And I have to be blunt with you here… These estimates are extremely conservative.

You can’t sit on the sidelines waiting for the stock to take off, and then hope to get in on the lion’s share of the profits.

Now is a landmark time to pull this play into your portfolio. An opportunity once and for all to never have to say “woulda, coulda, shoulda.”

Of course, this opportunity may not be for everybody.

Even though the kinds of returns I’ve been showing you may sound impressive… and they are… this market may not be right for you.

But if you think you have what it takes to explore the very real potential hidden inside gold, then I have some very exciting news…

I’ve spoken with Mike Ward, the publisher of Money Map Press, about the abundance of opportunity for serious profits in the junior and mid-tier gold companies.

He was so impressed by the companies I showed him… and the kinds of profits they can make… he felt his readers needed to hear about these opportunities for making serious cash – as soon as possible.

After some long conversations, Mike graciously asked me if I would like to head up a new research advisory service for Money Map Press… one focusing on the opportunities in Canadian resources.

And I agreed.

Your invitation to discover for yourself the exceptional profits of natural resources…

Introducing Global Resource Alert.

This exciting new service is dedicated to bringing you the best profit plays to be found in gold and natural resources.

In Global Resource Alert, I’m going to give you my top picks… including my favorite gold mining stocks… the ones you should own right now.

I’ve already told you about my Number One favorite gold company, the small Montreal based firm sitting on top of the largest untapped mine in Canadian history.

But now I’d like to tell you about 3 other mining companies, and exactly how I expect them to perform in the months and years to come.

My #2 pick is another gold mining company with major upside potential.

They operate on a joint venture model, which means they concentrate on finding the gold and then partnering with others to get it out of the ground. Their projects focus on large deposits – and over the last 6 years, they’ve discovered 3 major gold and gold/copper deposits.

Which is not surprising for this company, since it’s headed up by one of the top gold explorers of his generation. And anyone in the know will tell, a gold company is only as good as its people. If they have a history of success in finding the gold, the company will have success getting it dug up.

Completely debt free (highly unusual for the industry), they’re not only sitting on $180 million in cash – their current share price is trading at a 50% discount to the company’s cash value.

And it’s not just gold with these guys. They also hold one of the world’s largest and highest-grade uranium projects.

On June 1st, 2009, it was trading at $ 4.36. And that’s up almost 57% since its price this past April.

My price projection for this hotshot gold company – at least 150% increase in the next 12 months.

In the next 48 months – 800%.

$10,000 could become $25,000 in 18 months… or $80,000 if you hang on four years.

But that’s just the beginning.

Gold Stock #3

This mid-tier company currently produces about 200,000 ounces of gold and 1.2 million ounces of silver every year… and they have two more major projects expected to come on line in the next 2 years. Which should get them well on their way of reaching their goal of producing 1 million ounces of gold a year, making them the next big major producer.

Currently trading at around $3.20 a share, they’ve more than doubled in price since this past April, and I expect a lot more from them.

My call for this ambitious gold company – another 150% in the next year and half.

In the next 48 Months – up another 800%

Like my #1 pick, $10,000 invested now could give you $25,000 in 18 months... or $80,000 over the next four years.

Gold Stock #4 – this is my preferred royalty company. A royalty company makes its money by acquiring royalty rights to mines already producing gold. Their revenue from precious metals is expected to double over the next 4 years, and their share price should do even better.

Currently trading at around $4.00 a share, that’s up 100% since the lows of November 2008.

My projection for this stock – an additional 200% by 2012… and 1000% over the next seven years (perhaps even more if gold prices really bubble).

My Other Favorite Mining Stocks For This Year

Gold Stock #5 Projection: – up 250% in the next 24 months… and 800% in the 48 months.

Gold Stock #6 Projection: – up 200% in the next 24 months… up 600% in 4 years.

And Stock # 7 Projection: My favorite silver company – 200% in the next year and a half… and 900% over 5 years.

And these are just my top 7 gold and silver companies. I’ve got at least 11 other companies in my sites, just waiting to pull the trigger on.

$10,000 invested now could become $100,000 before all’s said and done.

Even though many of my favorite companies are miners, Global Resource Alert (or GRA for short) is more than a gold letter.

And it’s a lot more than me telling you what stocks to buy and when.

When you become a part of the GRA, you’ll be getting a first-hand education in the ways of these unique and highly profitable areas of the market.

Every month, in special action alerts, GRA will give you insight and recommendations that will allow you to take advantage of the great worldwide bull market in commodities and natural resources.

I’ll be scouring the globe for you, tracking down and bringing back only the best opportunities for you to explore.

Mike Ward has agreed that this service needs to be more than just me telling you what stocks to buy…

… I’ll actually be traveling all over the world, to dig up the real, actionable information you can use to make money. From Toronto to Sydney to Bogota, if there’s a place for you to make money, I’ll find it and bring it back to you.

Global Resource Alert will give you the best plays not only in gold… but silver, platinum, industrial metals, oil, uranium, potash – if there’s a way to make money, I’ll give it to you every month.

To give you an idea of the kinds of natural resource plays I’ll be introducing to you… take a look at these companies.

  • Paladin Energy Ltd (PDN). Paladin Energy is a uranium mining company. In May of 2005, its shares were trading at $0.94. By April of 2007, the shares were trading at $ 9.20.

    That’s a return of 878%.
  • Nexen, Inc (NXY). They’re a global energy company with oil interests around the world. In Feb. 1999 it was trading at $2.65. In June of 2008 it had taken off to $ 32.77.

    Return: 1,136%.
  • Joy Global (JOYG) manufactures mining equipment. In Sept, 2002, its share price was $3.54. Five years later, they were up to $87.54

    Return: 2,372 %.
  • Silver Standard Resources (SSRI): A silver mining company. In April 2001, they were $ 1.40. By November 2007 they hit $ 43.12.

    Return: 2,980%.

Companies like these… and much more… will be delivered directly to your email inbox each and every month as part of Global Resource Alert.

Plus, you’ll get to be part of my personal conversations with the top executives in the field.

I’ll introduce you to the CEOs of these exciting companies – men and women whose very presence in a company can turn it profitable.

And you’ll get to hear what these CEOs have to say on regular conference calls.

In fact, the first call I’ve lined up is with the famed geologist “T.R.”, the man who made the $80,000 bet… that’s about to turn his company into a multi-billion dollar powerhouse… and hand early investors potential gains of 1,100%.

And he’s not the only person I’ll introduce you to.

You’ll also get to listen in on the scientists, geologists and experts in oil… gold… silver… and uranium… as they tell you all about their area of expertise.

They’ll give you the kind of up close and personal treatment you won’t find in any other investor advisory service.

When you join The Global Resource Alert, you’ll enjoy:

#1 Profit Action Alerts. As markets shift, so do opportunities. And when an opportunity presents itself, rather than wait for the monthly report, you’ll get an email with my urgent alert. I’ll recommend when to buy, at what price – and most importantly – when to sell and collect your profits.

#2 Conference Calls with me, to share my unique perspective and knowledge of the companies and industries in natural resources – and how you can profit from them. Each call will introduce you to a different way to make money. Occasionally on these calls, I’ll introduce you to a special guest. This could be a company CEO, a mining engineer, or an oil field geologist. You’ll get inside scoop on what’s happening in the industry, and where to look for profits.

#3 The Monthly Dispatch. This hot-off-the-wire communiqué arrives in your email once a month… giving you updates on current portfolio recommendations, industry news and events affecting the recommendations, and an extra bonus – a quarterly look inside one particular resource. It could be about oil, gold, uranium, copper, potash. Plus, I’ll answer your questions about the business, the region, and the recommendations in an exclusive Q&A section.

There has never been a better time to get wired into the world of commodity and resource investing.

We’ve seen oil, platinum, silver, potash… every natural resource you can name – go through the same incredible price movements.

That’s because we’re in the middle of a major supply shortage in commodities and resources. Production across the board on all commodities has been decimated.

Precious metals like gold, silver and platinum are reaching “peak”…meaning that demand is increasing while supplies are getting harder and harder to find.

World oil production peaked years ago… and is getting tougher to find and get out of the ground… while worldwide demand is growing every year.

Uranium will be staging a major comeback, as countries seek alternative sources for fuel for power plants. China is expected to build 38 new nuke plants in the next 5 years alone… and they’re going to be needing a lot of uranium to fuel them all. But uranium mining has ground to a halt over the last few years, which is already sending prices higher.

And those are just the major ones… other commodities are going to become breeding grounds for high profits in the coming months and years.

Things many of us take for granted – like water… wheat… wind… copper… fertilizer…

And you’re going to get access to it all…every moneymaking opportunity I uncover … when you become a member of the Global Resource Alert.

How much would you expect to pay for a service like this?

Well, let me ask you this…how much would you charge?

If you had access to the best miners, engineers and geologists… and you knew these companies inside and out…

How much would you charge to give people access to the wealth-building power of what you knew?

$5,000? $7,500?

Or maybe a little less – say $4,000?

Well, it won’t cost you anything like that.

Your Personal Invitation to Become a Charter Member of Global Resource Alert

The regular price of GRA will be $2,900.

Which is more than a fair price…especially when you consider the depth of information and the very real potential for profits.

  • You’re going to have unprecedented access to the CEOs, the engineers, the geologists… people most investors never even think about, let alone communicate with.
  • 2-3 stocks every month, with the very real potential to hit ten times your investment… or more. Like our Montreal gold company.

You’ll also get insight into this lucrative side of investing – insight gained from my years immersed in the workings of the world of natural resources… a benefit few investors could ever get access to.

Because most investors aren’t really interested in finding new ideas or new avenues for making money.

I think most investors are afraid of trying something different… of seeking out new situations and chances for profit. They’re content to rely on the same old ideas, from the same old sources – for the same old measly returns.

All they want to know is what they read in the Wall Street Journal… or see on CNBC.

But you now have the chance to break out from the mass of average investors… and the mediocrity of the mainstream financial press – and tap into a deeper knowledge of the market, a knowledge that immediately separates you from the pack.

Take all that into consideration, and that $2,900 seems like a good deal.

But you won’t have pay $2,900 for this service.

When Mike Ward and I were first discussing this service, the conversation naturally came around to pricing.

Mike felt that $2,900 every year was a more-than-fair price. And I agreed.

But I wanted to be able to offer more for investors who see the opportunity and are willing to take the chance to produce some exceptional returns.

New services often have a Charter Membership period… where the folks who first see the real value receive a special one-time dispensation – sometimes as much as a whopping 50% discount.

And that’s just what we’re going to do… bring that price right down to $1,450.

Considering the potential of this market… complete access to the CEOs, the Alerts, the Dispatches, the Conference Calls – all for $1,450.

But that wasn’t good enough

I wanted to offer new Global Resource Alert Members something more… a lot more. A way for new members to get in and see for themselves just how powerful this can be.

It took a lot of convincing, but frankly, I finally got my way…

And we managed to put together a Charter Member package unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

Here’s the deal I was able to hammer out for you.

Join Global Resource Alert now for six full months for only $724. And we’ll give you the second six months of this incredible service for FREE.

This is an exceptional deal… and I’m proud to offer it to you… but I’m about to make it even better.

Your 100% Risk Free Guarantee

Go ahead and take six full months to decide… Your satisfaction is totally and completely guaranteed.

I want you to be sure this is the right service for you… so I want you to take your time and get to know it… and make money from it.

I want to prove to you the real profit-power this service offers. So here’s my proposal: If at any time during that period you find that GRA is not right for you, just say the word and you’ll get 100% of your money back, no questions asked.

That’s right. Take an entire six months of GRA. Read all the information, learn about all the stocks, listen in on all the conference calls… for six months.

And if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with the service, you can cancel at any time and get a complete refund. Just shoot me an email, and I will refund the entire cost of your six-month Charter Membership - $724 – no questions asked.

It’s an unbelievable deal. Get the first six months of the Global Resource Alert for the Special Charter Member price of $724 – and at the end of that first six months, you’ll get the next six months of GRA for FREE.

That’s a full $2,176 less than what late-comers to the party are going to be paying.

And now, here’s where I push this to the very limit…

You can lock in this Special Charter Member price for life, and never pay another penny more than the $724.

You get all the rights and privileges of the Global Resource Alert, for as long as you remain a member in good standing – and you will never pay more than $724.

But I must be straight with you here…

… this is for Charter Membership only.

By its very nature, it cannot be offered more than once.

Charter Membership can only be granted to the first subscribers who come on board during the launch period. So this is a very limited-time offer.

And it will never be repeated again.

Is this the opportunity for you? Are you the kind of investor that looks for the big scores… the massive 11-bag rally in stock price that could set you up for a lifetime?

If you are, then the time to get in is extremely limited.

One single winner like Polymet Mines could have set you up for life. A tiny $300 investment in Polymet, and you’d have made $46,998 – enough to pay for your Charter Membership for the next 59 years.

Join Global Resource Alert Totally Risk Free

I want to repeat for you exactly how this unprecedented offer works:

  • Join Global Resource Alert now for six months for only $724.
  • Receive the second full six months of this service for free.
  • Take 6 full months to decide if it’s for you.
  • Cancel at anytime for a complete refund
  • And even after the first year… Charter Members will never pay more than $724… that’s like getting six months free every year for the rest of your life.

I’m taking on all the risk myself. The burden of proof is entirely on me. If I fail to deliver, it won’t cost you a dime.

But there is one catch.

This unprecedented deal is only being offered to readers who take advantage of this Charter Membership immediately.

After the Charter Membership enrollment period expires, so does this offer… and the price.

You snooze – you lose. This deal will never be offered again.

Join Global Resource Alert now for Only $724… Remember, though, this Charter Membership is a strictly limited offer.

You have to ask yourself… “Am I the right kind of investor to make money in this market?”

This is a very important question, and one I think you need to answer for yourself before you go any further.

If volatility – and higher levels of risk – freaks you out… then this simply is not for you.

I’m not trying to scare you off.

I’m simply being forthright. If you want to make the kind of money we’re talking about here, you have to be comfortable with volatility.

But if you’re willing to accept a certain amount of volatility in exchange for phenomenal returns…

… and you’d like to find out how to seriously turn mere pennies into thousands of dollars in profits…

Then Global Resource Alert could be your key that unlocks the secrets of one of the most profitable markets in the world.

And in the first few issues, I’m going to share with you the names of my seven gold companies I told you about earlier… including the small Montreal company that’s about to tap into $10.1 billion in gold.

You’ll also get my complete roster of winning mining companies.

In addition to my top 7 miners… I’ll show you companies like these, who’ve been going gangbusters since the fall of ‘08:

GBU – UP 291 %

SGR – UP 350 %

NSU – UP 380 %

AXU– UP 471 %

And these are just the gold stocks. I’ll also be showing you profit-plays in oil, silver, potash, copper, water, agriculture… the opportunities go on and on.

You only have a short time to become a Charter Member of Global Resource Alert… for only $724. And get the second six months absolutely free. That’s a phenomenal savings of $2,176. A whopping 75% off what other will have to pay.

Simply click here and follow the instructions to sign up.

For faster service, call 888.570.9830 or 410.454.0498 during business hours and mention Priority Code: EPPRK701. to begin your subscription immediately.

But again, time is of the essence…

I look forward to hearing from you, and welcoming you as a Charter Member of Global Resource Alert


Peter Krauth
Founding Editor

July 3, 2009

PS: Average investors can go a lifetime before finding an opportunity like this: a small company sitting on top of $10 billion worth of a rare and precious commodity – a find that could drive up the share price 11X… in a very short period of time.

And when you become a charter member of Global Resource Alert, you’ll learn the name of the Montreal gold miner sitting on top of the richest mine in Canada… and the 7 other companies I’m expecting to post major price breakthroughs… all in the coming months.

Plus, you’ll get the inside track on the silver, oil, uranium and potash companies that are likely to be going gangbusters in the coming months and years as well.

PPS: Become a Charter Member today, and get the special, unprecedented 6-month guarantee – if you’re not satisfied after 6 full months of GRA, I’ll refund the complete membership fee, no questions asked.

But when stay on for those 6 months, I’ll give you the next 6 months free.

But this is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. Please note: This offer can end at any time.


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