The real value of precious metals vs fiat currency
posted on
Mar 30, 2010 08:46AM
We may not make much money, but we sure have a lot of fun!
When people speak of the gold and silver as a store of value what does that really mean. Throughout history precious metals have been desirable and ascare commodity .. probably based upon early cave man getting the best women for breeding by giving her shiny ornate rocks called gold and silver.
This useful metal has always been difficult to acquire and in essence provided a standard amount of effort necessary to accumulate. Whether it was food for slaves to dig or food and riches for armies to conquer the wealth and gold of other lands it has always been costly to acquire.
Today, mining companies after spending enormous amounts purchasing land moving skilled expensive people and equipment to the site and drill so they can sift through a ton of gravel/rock happily to find a great deposit of 5 g/t which is about 1/6th of an ounce or about 1/160,000 of a ton (for an also good 2.5 g/t it is 1/320,000 of a ton). Once it is found, more equipment is sent, the environment is secured so that grams don't disappear and finally it is sent for expensive processing by approved facilities. It is not uncommon this exploration and production has resulted in small towns with grocery stores and bars and video stores and post offices end up bult around this facility.
Wow ... that is a lot of labour (money) for this shiny metal.
Fiat currency is based upon the promises and integrity of those behind that paper ... be it corrupt Greeks/Italians or the U.S. fed ... it is all about trust.
In whom do you trust?
In gold I trust. and for those who say "In God we trust" ... the U.S. government is not even a reasonable facsimilie of God, even if some bankers think they are doing God's work.