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Message: Silver

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weekend Update and a Message From Turd

First of all, here are your charts to ponder over the weekend.

The CRB made its seventh, consecutive higher weekly close yesterday. Again, your house may be going down in value and the banks may be insolvent but that doesn't mean a trip to the grocery store or the gas station is getting any less expensive.
Next, here's an 8-hour gold chart. Again, for neo-turdites, the time period I utilize for my charts is solely determined by the perspective I want the reader to grasp. In this case, I needed a chart that went just far enough back to include all of the action for this year to date.
And here's a 1-hour silver. I purposefully left off the white-out this time because Mrs. Ferguson took it back upstairs and I'm too lazy to go all the way back up there to retrieve it.
I was going to print off a bunch of USDX charts but Trader Dan already has so I figured...why waste time duplicating effort? Besides, his charts as much prettier than anything I could come up with.

Lastly, please take a few moments to watch this: "The Turd Speaks".

Have a great weekend. More tomorrow evening, after the Globex open. TF
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