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Message: Better to not have your info and dd 10 yrs old

The key to manipulating a market is making sure that honest market participants erroneously believe that the artificial price is a legitimate one.


To say that silver has gone up 4 times[4 bagger] so people should be happy is very sloppy research, and rubbish. It shows shoddy research and implies a lack of real understanding of the markets.

That assumes every one was in for the entire ride, when in fact most retail people[the reg guy/gal] were taken out of their positions each time every was lined up for a move forward. Those that had the fundementals correct, the charting correct, and the timing correct.

One example that is used here is the move from 8 dollars to the 30's, lets have a look.

The banks, we know who they are, crashed the market from 18 /19 or so down to 8 dollars eliminating almost 4 yrs of profit from retail investors, pretty much putting them out of the market, some for good. This was accomplished by calling all margin on precious metals and re weighting their index's which funds are by law required to follow....hmmm

Close to the same time G.S put a call out that oil would hit 200 from the 140 or so area it was at. They then re weighted their index and went short down to 25 bucks in one of the largest transfers of wealth from us reg guys to the banks.

I would not be satisfied paying 150 dollars to fill my gas tank and receiving 35 dollars worth of gas, knowing someone ripped me off. Nor would i accept 35 k on a loan that was 150k and be happy because they offered to pay me back 4 times[36 dollars] than the previous offer to pay the debt. To say no one is affected is so wrong, shall we chat about all the people that were near starved to death digging gold and silver out of the ground in the poor countries of the world, while the entity they mined was suppressed and your family struggled to eat.

From: Peter Stock
To: Chilton, Bart
Sent: Mon Mar 07 19:12:25 2011
Subject: A crime in progress

Dear Mr. Chilton,

Your efforts on behalf of small investors to right the wrongs in precious metal trading on the COMEX as of late are admirable, if heroic!! That you must operate in an environment with a big bank apologist or worse, a crony of Wall Street like Gary Gensler, is shameful. In light of Ted Butler’s recent findings in "Silver Shocker", 3/7/2011 published at SilverSeek.com (attached here), I implore you, as a small investor who has been hurt very badly by the 2008 silver debacle, to speak loudly and publicly once again insisting on CFTC action regarding JP Morgan accountability for its current outsized, short (no doubt, naked short) silver position.

This situation, if true, is an atrocity that is criminal in nature and both hurtful to the investing public and quite painful to endure. There is no other name for this situation except a "crime in progress". I urgently request you to take action on this situation in the most public way possible to institute an enforcement action against any and all violators of current position limit rules. If the large banks are exempt or excused via "grandfathering" in older positions, this will simply eviscerate significant wealth of the small silver investor.

Respectfully yours,
Peter Stock

Why would anyone take everyones posts and disect them the way you do, you don't even back your statements up well. I passed on pem to people the first thing you did was dig for info that you THOUGHT would be totally negative. Took you all of 5 minutes. Again it was shoddy work by you but showed your m.o. I quickly corrected you as you were not looking for a real conversation but to just say everyone is wrong, but you. The world's oil basin IS on fire but you poo pooed that. Not use to having my opinions attacked when i try to pass on info i think is relevant, you took apart my posts from the beginning, knock your sox off because i am quite capable of handling your negativity with facts and research. So i will continue to debate each time you post just to post something negative. It seems you have a quart of sour milk that you drink from before each post.

To each their own, but do your homework if you really want to continue to tear apart anything i write.

Do you want the charts and research that shows how much money would be made and lost shorting 3 am and 10 am and going long the rest of the day going back 10 yrs.

Sorry for the ranting but you are a piece of work, maybe just cover your shorts once and for all. Now i know why as you say there are only 12 people here, who needs the disrespect from an anomynous poster.

Christian eh, how about quoting nadler also to make our points, do you want me to post their numbers and analytical calls from 600 gold and 5 dollar silver where they never thought it would rise.

Christian was the guy who accidently admitted at the cftc hearings that the comex was into fractual accounting where they only have 1 ounce of gold for every 100 sold......oh oh that won't end well. After that silver ran fron 18 or so to 30 dollars and Christian tried at 23 to stop the run at the silver summit to save his cronies by being bearish at 23....lolllllllllllllllll

Christian is a a schill and not a smart one, but we all can follow who we choose.

Seriously if you want to know what the price of silver really should be do the research and then the math, it's easy and out there.

Again sorry, but are you really this way all the time.

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