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Onto the PMs. First, here's silver. No commentary needed other than the rather obvious conclusion that there will be a significant amount of support should The Cartel succeed in pressing price down toward 36.50.

Lastly, before I get to the gold chart and I want you to consider again how important controlling the price of gold is to the maintenance of the Fed/TBTF/Govt ponzi.
Gold is the barometer. Everything else mainly flies "under the radar". As you know from discussing current events with friends and family, very few folks have any idea of just how drastically dollar-denominated commodities have been rising in price since the advent of QE back in 2009. The price of gold is about the only item that most folks ever hear about on the nightly news or CNBS. So, to support the illusion of "under control inflation", the gold price must be suppressed.
Look at the action in gold since the announcement of QE2 back in November. The CRB is up about 20% but gold is flat. Not that is hasn't tried to moved up, it just hasn't been allowed to. Note the severity and speed of the hammerdown each time gold taps the 1440 area. Soon, there will only be two scenarios that can play out:
1) all commodities correct and collapse, thereby easing the UPward pressure on gold and it rolls over, too. (unlikely)
2) The buying pressure becomes too great for even The Cartel to contain and gold finally forces its way through 1440. The Forces of Evil will be forced to retreat about 10% higher, near 1600. Sound familiar?

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