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Message: Re: Phid & Abs
May 26, 2011 09:40AM
May 26, 2011 04:06PM

Well you'll love this one then, courtesy of gata

The antics of The Gold Cartel are tiring. Gold took out $1530 to the upside last night and was moving right along with a weaker dollar until 3 AM New York time… enter the bums with one of their patented PLAN A assaults. The price came back to approach the unchanged level when it was mauled down to $1514 in a very short period of time. This was just another one of their blatant takedowns for no apparent reason, other than it was ordered by the US Government’s BF operation and carried out by The Gold Cartel.

It was that operation that CP and I discussed with Congressmen Ron Paul in the nation’s capitol on Tuesday. We were there specifically to discuss the manipulation of the gold/silver markets and the reticence of the Fed to tell the truth about the real status of US gold reserves. It had been around 8 years since I was last in his office. What made this trip different this time is that the congressman is in a position to make things happen, at least from an interrogation standpoint when his subcommittee conducts a hearing on US gold reserves in late June…

GATA urges Paul to probe Fed's gold swaps; he tells CNBC he will

Submitted by cpowell on 03:09PM ET Wednesday, May 25, 2011. Section: Daily Dispatches http://www.gata.org/node/8192

6:13p ET Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Yesterday GATA Chairman Bill Murphy and your secretary/treasurer met in Washington with U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Subcomittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, and two of his staff members. We reviewed GATA's work and the information produced by our recent successful freedom-of-information lawsuit against the Federal Reserve and urged him to press the Fed for accountability, particularly in regard to its manipulation of the gold market, its involvement with the U.S. gold reserve, and its secret gold swap arrangements, the latter admitted to GATA by Fed Governor Kevin M. Warsh as we began our litigation in 2009:

Paul told us that he planned to address these issues at hearings of his subcommittee in June on legislation to audit the U.S. gold reserve, and he elaborated this afternoon in an 11-minute interview with CNBC. Paul told CNBC:

"I'd sort of like to see how much gold is actually there and whether we've made any agreements to loan out our gold or sell the gold, because there's a lot of questions about that. As a matter of fact, I'm going to have hearings on having a true audit of the gold, and they're very, very resistant to that. But if the gold is all there and there are no attachments to the gold, what's the big deal? Why shouldn't the people know that it's there?"

Paul added in the CNBC interview that his broader objectives include getting the Fed out of central economic planning, getting the United States out of its fantastically expensive foreign military adventures, and allowing people to keep more of the fruit of their labor.

GATA will be providing information to Paul's office for possible use in interrogation of the Fed.

You can watch CNBC's interview with Paul at its video archive here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

To have caught what Congressman Paul said the next day on CNBC was more than gratifying after trying this and trying that over the 12 ½ years CP and I have been on the GATA case. The congressman is all over what GATA has to say. Contrast that to a visit we had on May 10, 2000 with a former head of the same committee with a slightly different name…

June 5, 2000 - Spot Gold $285.40 up $4 - Spot Silver $5.02 up 3 cents

Midas Special

Jay Taylor Breaks Story - GATA Delegation Meets With The Speaker Of The House, Denny Hastert

The "powerful politician" to whom I have kept referring when the Gold Anti-Trust Committee Delegation visited Congressional leaders in the Nation's Capitol on May 10th was The Speaker Of The House, Denny Hastert.

The GATA delegation intended to keep that under wraps for as long as possible. It is not surprising that Jay Taylor found who it was as he recently interviewed Congressman Ron Paul. We visited Congressman Paul the day after our meetings with the other Congressman. In addition, the Speaker's name was on the original "Gold Derivative Banking Crisis" document that was personally delivered to the offices of all the House and Senate banking committee members.

The fact that his "document" is now being distributed all over the world also makes it less necessary for the Congressmen to do their homework. The market may do it for them.

Of course, I would think that many of the Banking and Intelligence Committee members would like to know how the gold market could have been manipulated for so long and why. Certainly the Black Caucus is going to pose a few questions to certain bullion dealers, etc.

As far as I am concerned, what has taken place is criminal and should be viewed by the authorities as such. More of that below.

Jay Taylor's (proprietor of Jay Taylor's Gold and Technology Stocks) full GATA story may be viewed at the www.gold-eagle.com web site. I would like to bring one part of his story to your attention. It has had me enraged for a week:


Bill Murphy at GATA has done everything within his power to bring his gold conspiracy theory to the attention of the public. But for the most part, the establishment media has shut him out. An interesting story involving the Dallas Morning News reporter helps explain why GATA has had such a tough time getting the establishment to listen to its story. When a reporter from the Dallas Morning news contacted a staff member for Congressman Bachus to confirm the meeting GATA had with various Congressional members, the significance of this meeting was down played as being nothing more than a courtesy call between Congressman Bachus and GATA. Yet, Congressman Bachus not only left the floor of the House to meet with GATA for a whole hour, but he also had six staff members present at that time. Some courtesy call!" End.

The staffer Jay Taylor is talking about is the same one whom I suggested has a direct line to the Treasury and supposed CIA snoop, Ted Truman. I have also reported to you that I have evidence that information I fed him ended up in the hands of certain bullion dealers. It is an OUTRAGE. Then, this same guy tells Bill Deener of the Dallas Morning News that Spencer Bachus, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Domestic and Monetary Policy (with gold and silver oversight) only saw the GATA delegation as a "courtesy."

Courtesy, my butt. The VERY INTRIGUED Speaker of the House set up our quickly arranged meeting with Spencer Bachus, who told The Speaker he "had heard of the issue." The only reason Dick Armey, House Majority Leader, did not attend our two o'clock meeting was that he could not break away from another commitment.


What we didn’t know then was that Bachus was just picking our brain, trying to learn what we knew about the real gold market. He did absolutely nothing. Congressman Paul is another man with a different agenda.

To be sure, Congressman Paul is under no illusions about the Fed. He is fully aware they will probably stonewall his efforts. However, because of his position he has subpoena power and that can make all the difference in the world.

Oh yes, about his comment the US should sell all its gold … those of you who surmised that such a move would require an audit first were correct. He had a big smile on his face.

GATA’s forces are out there doing what we can to make things happen when it comes to gold and silver. We are about action, not just talk. How effective we are we will leave to others. But certainly it is more effective than the pathetic World Gold Council with their $80 million budget. CP and others call them the anti-gold council and they are right. What a nebbish, London operation.

Speaking of the WGC and London, their home base, we are very much looking forward to our fourth international GATA conference on August 4, 5, and 6 at The Savoy Hotel. And speaking of budgets, what the GATA camp does, like this trip to Washington, takes money. We are able to do what we do because of so many special supporters and friends over the years that have sent us contributions.

We are hoping our London conference will assist us in that arena. We are delighted that Sprott Asset Management is our lead sponsor for the conference. Eric Sprott has become one of most prominent and respected men in the precious metals industry. Samex Mining is sponsoring the GATA dinner on Friday night. Jeff Dahl, their CEO, was the brains behind Gold Rush 21. We are also proud to announce that Golden Predator is our reception/cocktail party sponsor.

We are now seeking other sponsors to assist us in making our conference a huge success so we can fight the good fight as we see it. They range from $2500 to $15,000 and can be individuals or firms involved in the precious metals industry. If you, or one of the gold/silver corporations you are invested in are interested in receiving a sponsorship package, please contact me and I will send one to you.

Back to the gold and silver markets. Sometimes you learn more in the long run from the bad days than the obvious good days. The Gold Cartel pounded away today and they did not get much bang for their buck. Gold finished way off its lows and so did silver which came back from a $36.53 low. No markets go straight up and stay that way. Corrections are normal and healthy. For gold and silver to close like they did is a big picture plus.

Here is a shocker. The gold open interest fell a stunning 17,262 contracts yesterday to 513, 918 as gold rallied a little more than $3 … which means certain spec longs wanted out and a number of the shorts wanted the same. This huge reduction of open interest comes ahead of first notice day for the June futures contract and is most bizarre considering the price action … and VERY bullish the way I see it as a former futures trader of size.

The silver open interest went the other way, gaining 1567 contracts to 122,862, which is not that much considering the extent of the move in the silver price yesterday.


Dave from Denver…

This is interesting re: comex gold...

I'm surprised no one has been talking about this: Tuesday is 1st notice day for June gold. Since Monday is a holiday, it means that everyone who is long June gold and either can't or does not want to stand for delivery has to be out by the close of electronic trading tomorrow. As of this morning, there were still 94+k contracts of June gold open. That's 9.4mm ozs. of gold. Right now the Comex only has 1.7 million ozs of gold registered and available for delivery...this has squeeze-potential written all over it unless there's a big liquidation in June gold today and tomorrow...

May 26, 2011 06:18PM
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