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Message: BE Resources

Fun while it lasted

IIROC takes action on trades in BE Resources Inc.
TORONTO, July 26, 2011 /CNW/ - The Investment Industry RegulatoryOrganization of Canada (IIROC) today announced that it has taken actionconcerning trades in BE Resources Inc. (BER), which took place onFriday, July 22, 2011. IIROC took this action to protect marketintegrity and to ensure a fair and orderly market for trading insecurities of BER.

Pursuant to the Universal Market Integrity Rules (UMIR), IIROC's MarketIntegrity officials cancelled all trades in BER that occurred onFriday, July 22, 2011. Trading in the stock was halted on Monday, July25, 2011. On Friday, July 22, 2011, there were 10,663 trades of49,324,463 shares in BER.

IIROC took these steps after learning that BER issued a news releasedated July 22, 2011 containing significant errors. When BER determinedthat this release contained errors, the company issued a subsequentamended press release with corrected information. Trading of BER isexpected to resume on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 and investors should checkthe IIROC website to confirm resumption of trading.

Investors who have questions about a trade should contact their dealerwho handled the order. Questions about IIROC's ruling can be directedto IIROC Info/Complaints line at 1.877.442.4322.

IIROC is the national self-regulatory organization which oversees allinvestment dealers and trading activity on debt and equity marketplacesin Canada. Created in 2008 through the consolidation of the InvestmentDealers Association of Canada and Market Regulation Services Inc.,IIROC sets high quality regulatory and investment industry standards,protects investors and strengthens market integrity while maintainingefficient and competitive capital markets. IIROC carries out itsregulatory responsibilities through setting and enforcing rulesregarding the proficiency, business and financial conduct of dealerfirms and their registered employees and through setting and enforcingmarket integrity rules regarding trading activity on Canadian equitymarketplaces.

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