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LOL... more Quebec bashing from the right wing Calgary Herald. Quelle surprise!

The way Albertans carry on, you'd think they made all that oil themselves with the sweat of their brow, instead of just the plain good luck to be sitting on top of it. Back in the day, you could drop a well just about anywhere and hit oil, just like the Texas Panhandle. As for the hard working Albertans of today, there's a joke they tell in Newfoundland that says it all: Q: What's the second largest city in Newfoundland? A: Fort McMurray.

The article talks about taxes. Well then, how much do Quebecers pay compared to Albertans? Anyone? Don't forget sales tax when you run those numbers. Oh wait, Alberta doesn't have any!

Back to Germany - you know, the people who lent their money to Greece and now want it back? If we're going to draw parallels, why not draw one between the banks and underwater homeowners? So, to put the Herald's spin on it, it's the lazy homeowners who owe the hard working banks, and they better pay up! I mean, since when is due dilligence the lender's responsibility?

Look, I understand the Herald's need for copy that meets the approval of deep-thinking Albertans, but why post it here (of all places)? The tone is decidedly insulting to Greeks, and if there's one thing I recall from growing up in Alberta, it's that you don't insult your host in his own house.


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