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Message: Don't let Anti-Frackers fool you ...

Don't Let Anti-Frackers Fool You

Posted by Brittany Stepniak - Thursday, February 16th, 2012

One blogger, Christopher Cook, was perhaps a bit overzealous when he posed the question, “Is there anything that so-called 'environmentalists' don't lie about?”

At the heart of the matter, environmentalists should be praised for their passion-driven endeavors. Without a healthy planet, we wouldn't be able to thrive no matter what economic oppotunities come our way.

Unfortunately, not everyone who claims "environmentalist" status is a pure and true environmentalist. For some, there's an ulterior motive...

Although it's certainly no secret, the agenda of these groups of anti-frackers hasn't quite caught the world by storm – yet...

It's not about always really about protecting the environment for these guys, it's about using the environmental scare tactics to prevent the natural gas industry from completely stealing the spotlight (and the profit) from industries offering alternative energy options and dominating America's energy market.

The bottom line is that cheap natural gas prices do pose a serious threat to renewable energy, but the public doesn't care about that too much. What they do care about is the environment...

Fracking is still new enough that these biased critics can continue to berate supporters and try to ban new technology and procedures that have given rise to the momentous shale gas boom across our nation.

But, soon enough – when statistics don't match up with allegations – they won't be able to keep up the act...

Scott Perry, director of Oil and Gas Management for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection said, “It’s important to point out that we’ve never seen an impact to fresh groundwater directly from fracking…. A lot of folks relate the situation in Dimock to a fracking problem. I just want to make sure everyone’ s clear on this — that it isn’t.”

It's human nature – envy perhaps – that makes people (or companies/industries) want to fault successful people (or companies/industries) when they aren't doing so hot themselves.

That psychological motivator itself is greatly contributing to the latest attacks on the natural shale gas industry.

Still, it's hard to imagine why anyone would protest such an huge economic opportunity in a time when 47 million Americans are living beneath the poverty level without solid evidence of environmental danger.

In the President's recent State of the Union Address, Obama said experts anticipated that the natural gas industry had the potential to support more than 600,000 jobs by the end of this decade.

How can such an economic-contributor be received with so much scrutiny? Critics jumping to conclusions without adequate data supporting their suspicions; that's how.

In fact, what has been proven is that burning natural gas is healthier for the Earth than burning coal. Burning the natural gas emits far less greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That doesn't sound like a bad start on moving forth in protecting the environment.

Moreover, this is sustainable energy. Obama also commented on that during the State of the Union speech. The president said that our country is expected to harbor enough natural gas to supply industrial and residential facilities for an entire century. Not too shabby...

At the end of the day, with all things, we must look at the pros and the cons and attempt to take out biases while using our best judgment. Unfortunately, it is the irrationally “overzealous” regulators that may be blinding us with a lot of bias.

The problem is that there's a strong possibility that this bias stems from nothing more than a selfish fear that other energy sectors could lose money with natural gas prices falling so low and becoming overwhelmingly attractive to consumers in comparison to other energy options.

What we must not forget is that this shale boom is opening up countless unforeseen opportunities for America's bleak economic situation. That's the proof behind the data. The skepticism from anti-frackers is just that, skeptical speculation; not proof.

A sustainable energy solution, a cheaper way to heat our homes and offices, a more environmentally-friendly alternative to oil, 600,000 new secure jobs for America's weak economy, multiple beneficiaries from other industries, and increased foreign demand as we come one step closer to energy independence here in the United States...those are the facts we're working with right now. Let the opposition scramble to put together a counter-argument, but these benefits are the facts no critic can deny.

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