Welcome To The 300 Club HUB On AGORACOM

We may not make much money, but we sure have a lot of fun!

Message: Hi

 I am all in & by the looks of things there is only one way with gold & silver & that is up. Good to see you & Abstacy keeping this board alive. Abstacy must be around 90 years old now. Hope he is still alright. They are predicting that gold & siver stocks will do good this year. My favorite has been Snowline. Bought it under 40 cents & now trades back & forth between 5 & 6 dollars. I have just kept the stock for the buy out but it sure looks like a good trading stock.I have lots of ones that hold there own but I wait patiently for a break out. I still have First Mining. It has been a downer but I did buy in om their last offer. Buy 200 k get 100 k warants. Looking like they will be ready to set up a mine in 25. They do have some native problems but are positive about straighting this out. My understanding it is mostly about roads. Maybe we can get Safeharbour , Bear & othres back again.


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