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Message: Central African Republic: Ten armed groups provide list of their members for the peace process
Central African Republic: Ten armed groups provide list of their members for the peace process

BANGUI, May 17 (Xinhua) - Three months after the signing of a peace agreement between the Central African State and the 14 armed groups active on the territory, ten of them have handed the list of their members on Friday. likely to be eligible for the peace process in the Central African Republic (CAR), found on Friday in Bangui a Xinhua correspondent.

This took place at the 17th Ordinary Session of the Advisory and Follow-up Committee of the National Program for Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation (DDRR).

From now on, almost a thousand ex-combatants are on the list of eligible candidates for the DDRR program, either by integrating the Central African Armed Forces (FACA) or by choosing a socio-economic activity for which they will have to be trained and then provided. in installation kits in the field of their choice.

In a response to the press, DDRR Minister Noël-Bienvenu Sélesson said lists of members of armed groups are essential for planning DDRR activities. The latter were officially launched by Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéra from the Central African city of Paoua (extreme north-west) last December.

Mr. Sélesson also added that the lists are necessary for the constitution of the special mixed security units (USMS), recommended by the peace agreement and to regroup the regular forces that are the FACA, the policemen and gendarmes, as well as some ex-combatants rebel groups.

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