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Message: MSHA problem

Here's the response I receieved:

First, I would like to commend you on your concern for our nation’s miners and the attention that you have given the MINER Act of 2006.

When the MINER Act became affective on June 15, 2006, mine operators were required to craft an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) that would provide for the evacuation of all individuals endangered by an emergency and provide for the maintenance of individuals trapped underground in the event miners are not able to evacuate the mine. Items such as post accident communication and tracking, breathable air, refuge alternatives, lifelines, training, local coordination and additional materials that would be required in the event of an emergency were required to be included in the ERP.

The MINER Act also required that no later than 3 years of its enactment, a wireless communication system that would allow for communication between underground and surface personnel via a wireless two-way medium and provide an electronic tracking system that would determine the location of any miners trapped underground, or set forth within the plan the reasons such provisions can not be adopted.

By June 15, 2009, mine operators were required to submit an updated ERP that included the wireless communication and electronic tracking systems. Included in the information related to the communication and tracking systems, MSHA required that a bona-fide purchase order (or copy) be included with the ERP, or be submitted no later than 15 days after the date the ERP was approved. Most mine operators submitted an ERP but many were not approved due to the plan’s not including all the items required by the MINER Act. Complete installation of the systems have been delayed due to many components not being available from vendors, and communication and tracking system components used at the working face of the coal mine had yet been tested for safety by MSHA’s Approval and Certification Center. Citations have been issued to mine operators who failed to submit an ERP by June 15, 2009 or for failure to include the required information in the ERP.

MSHA, in conjunction with the Office of the Solicitor, continue to work with mine operators in the submission and approval of an ERP that meets the guidelines established in the MINER Act. As of this date, most of the nation’s coal mines have a communication and tracking system which is identified in their approved ERP and are in varying stages of installing the alternative wireless systems.

There are currently no sites that you can view to determine the status of the mine operators ERP’s. Information on the status of approvals for communication and tracking systems and components can be viewed at http://www.msha.gov/">www.msha.gov. This site also includes information and questions and answers under the Special Initiatives, Communication and Tracking tab on the left side of the page.

Here is the hyperlink:

MSHA - Communications and Tracking for Underground Mines

Thank you for your interest in the MINER Act and miners’ safety.

Charles J. Thomas

“Acting” Deputy Administrator

Coal Mine Safety & Health

Arlington, VA

Office: (202) 693-9500

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