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Message: Keith Hill ...

got this from SH:

Keith Hill talking on AOI´s presentation in Stockholm

Thu May 24, 2012 8:11 pm

Keith Hill met investors in Stockholm and I will translate a few bits a swedish person wrote on di.se:

"Horn har hittat olja. Keith trodde han skickade ut en positiv pressrelease. De kan dock inte säga detta förrän de flödestestat. Detta kommer göras snart, som alla vet. Att Horn störtdök, och AOI backade efter PM:et tyckte han var jättekonstigt."


"Horn has found oil. Keith thought he sent out a positive nnews release. But they can´t say that until they have flow tested. That will be done soon, ass all know. He thought fact that Horn took a dive, and that AOi took a dive after the RNS was very weird."


"Hintade att det kan finnas runt 100 miljoner i Schabel 1. Dock måste detta testas. Han tror på 75% sannolikhet att det ska vara kommersiellt. Olja i Puntiland kan vara värt upp till 10$ då det är nära havet o kräver kort pipeline. Anser att det krävs runt 50-70 miljoner i Schabel området för att det ska vara värt att bygga pipeline etc. "


"He hinted that there might be about 100mill barrels in Shabeel 1. It must be tested though. He believes it to have a 75% chance of being commercial. Oil in Puntland can be worth up to 10$ because of the fact that it is close to sea and thus only needs a short pipeline. He believes that it is required to at least host 50-70mill barrels in the Shabeel area for it to be worth it to build a pipeline etc"

Best regards


The rest is about AOI in Kenya.

Re: Keith Hill talking on AOI´s presentation in Stockholm

Thu May 24, 2012 8:33 pm

Horn up 22% volume picking up as well.

Re: Keith Hill talking on AOI´s presentation in Stockholm

Thu May 24, 2012 8:41 pm

""Horn has found oil. Keith thought he sent out a positive nnews release. But they can´t say that until they have flow tested. That will be done soon, ass all know. He thought fact that Horn took a dive, and that AOi took a dive after the RNS was very weird.""

Dear Keith Hill, you have to actually say 'oil discovery' on your many RNSs so that the market knows definitively you have an...oil discovery.

Half-hints and attempts to string things out with officialdom won't wash. Be decisive or don't do it at all.

Otherwise, it sounds promising. Good post, thanks.

Re: Keith Hill talking on AOI´s presentation in Stockholm

Thu May 24, 2012 10:52 pm

Dunno if this applies very much on the puntland drilling(s) but Keith also stated he and his wife had sold their villa in Vancouver and are moving to Nairobi..!

IMO this is good news, not only for AOI but also the Somali adventures, since he will be closer the action and will be able to overlook things and act quick when needed. This of course also implies that he won't be leaving East Africa for a long time....

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