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Message: What's on the horizon?

as VK has pointed out...cannacord has been placing positions of 40 to100000 share lots in retail clients accounts. I know the broke that is buying, and it is unlikely to stop. He is a respected and savvy penny player

The stock now has a pulse...and growing recognition within the Howe St circle.It is being combed successfully.

In particular I noticed that there was a shortage of paper, and offers had to be taken to fill the need. Today was a different story with the tone set by a wildcard sell order.

I see fundamental stability at the 5c level,

When the aquisition is more defined I can see a move upwards as I believe it to be a coup for AAT to have completed a major major scoop/

This was made possible by the experience and history of VP Shell and President Graham would be my best gusstimation

A month ago this stock was spotty in volume and not liquid.

It is only the beginning


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