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A junior oil sands development company focused in the Athabasca oil sands region of northeast Alberta

Message: 2008 year end results

2008 year end results

posted on May 07, 2009 11:09AM

Alberta Oilsands Inc. announces 2008 year end results and files annual disclosure



CALGARY – April 30, 2009 - Alberta Oilsands Inc. ("Alberta Oilsands" or the "Company") (TSXV:

AOS) is pleased to announce that it has filed its financial statements and management's

discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2008. The Company has also filed its

reports regarding its reserve data and other oil and natural gas information as mandated by

National Instrument 51-101. The above referenced documents, together with the letter to

shareholders are available for viewing on SEDAR at



Alberta Oilsands continued to make strides in 2008 towards submitting an application in 2009 for

its first oil sands pilot project on Alberta's Athabasca fairway. Alberta Oilsands' strategy is to

delineate and prove up bitumen reserves sufficient to support a minimum potential 10,000 barrel

per day in-situ project within five years.

Although Alberta Oilsands remains firmly focused on extracting bitumen from the province's rich

oil sands deposits, the Company took advantage of its strong cash position, its corporate agility

and the overall market downturn in early 2009 to acquire some promising conventional assets to

supplement its oil sands assets. Alberta Oilsands entered into a conventional farm-in agreement

in north-western and central Alberta in January 2009. The objective is to benefit from the team's

conventional experience to seize attractive opportunities during the global financial crisis that

would not normally be available. The benefits of taking steps at this time to gain access to quality

conventional assets are becoming clear with the recent release of encouraging test results.

Alberta Oilsands is positioning itself not only to survive the downturn, but to thrive after markets

return to normal.

Alberta Oilsands is committed to being prudent in managing its funds until financial markets show

signs of sustained recovery.

2008 highlights include the following:

Raised $23.6 million, including $8.1 million in a non-brokered private placement financing

and $15.5 million through a bought-deal equity financing.

Received approval for the Fort McMurray Clearwater Oil Sand Exploration Program

application from Alberta Sustainable Resources Development.

Completed a strategic pooling of contiguous oil sands acreage with an oil sands producer

in the Hangingstone East/Halfway Creek area of Alberta.

Commenced and completed a drilling program at Clearwater West property. The drilling

results confirm high quality bitumen and cap rock integrity testing results are positive,

providing the results the Company needs to proceed with its Steam-Assisted Gravity

Drainage (SAGD) pilot project submission.

Selected to the "TSX Venture 50," a ranking of Canada's top emerging public companies.

Alberta Oilsands was ranked fourth in the oil and gas sector.

Completed facilities upgrades at central Alberta property resulting in reduced operating


Identified six conventional, light oil focused development drilling locations on the

Company's Nisku property.

Obtained a net present value report by Ryder Scott Company that estimates the unrisked

total value of Alberta Oilsands' Clearwater project areas at $464 million based on a price

of US$55 West Texas Intermediate (WTI) (see "Review of Oilsands Operations –

Resource assessment" below in this news release).

Received an increase to contingent resources at its Fort McMurray property resulting in

an assignment of 320 million barrels of bitumen a 59% increase since the October 2007

Ryder Scott report (see "Review of Oilsands Operations - Net present value cash flow

evaluation" below in this news release).

Sought strategic partners to accelerate the Company's growth plan.

Entered into two production sharing contracts in Kenya, through its wholly owned

subsidiary Platform Resources, to allow it to evaluate two exploration blocks.

Subsequent events:

Entered into a significant farm-in agreement on conventional oil and natural gas assets in

the McLeod area of Central Alberta and the Hamburg area of northwest Alberta.

Successfully drilled one (0.5 net) Slave Point discovery well in the Hamburg area and

placed on production on April 1, 2009 at an average gross rate of 5 million cubic feet per


Review of Oil Sands Operations

Due to market and economic conditions, Alberta Oilsands is currently focusing all of its oil sands

development efforts on its Clearwater West project, which is at the most advanced stage of

development. All other oil sands activities have been deferred until the economic environment

improves. When conditions warrant additional exploration and development, Alberta Oilsands will

be able to take advantage of its depth of opportunities on 140.5 sections (121.5 net) of Alberta's

Athabasca oil sands fairway. These opportunities include three potential project areas at

Clearwater, one joint project at Hangingstone, one prospect at Algar Lake and one prospect at

Grand Rapids.

Fort McMurray Clearwater West, East and North Projects:

By focusing its attention on Clearwater West at the end of 2008, Alberta Oilsands has been able

to make significant progress on its path to production in the oil sands. By the end of January

2009, the Company had commenced its arrangements for water sourcing and water disposal. By

the end of February 2009, the Company had received the initial results of its cap rock study.

Additional results are expected in May 2009. The initial cap rock results were encouraging.

As a result of coring activity in the 2007/2008 winter coring program, Ryder Scott Company of

Canada, an independent petroleum consulting firm, has assigned 320 million barrels of

contingent resources to a portion of Alberta Oilsands' Clearwater parcel in a resource report

dated June 1, 2008. With an additional 16 core holes drilled during the fall of 2008 and the winter

of 2009, the Clearwater West project area was adequately delineated by the end of the first

quarter of 2009 to provide the necessary data for the pilot project application, which is expected

to be submitted in 2009.

The Company undertook a cap rock study during the fall/winter coring season. The study

included ERT, in-situ mini FRAC and elevated temperature intrusion permeability testing. The

results exceeded all cap rock regulatory integrity requirements. The ERT (Electro Resistivity

Tomography) confirmed the lateral continuity of the cap rock validating the applicability of the use

of SAGD recovery methodology for the Clearwater West project. In addition, two water source

and disposal zones respectively were identified.

Resource assessment and net present value cash flow evaluation

Alberta Oilsands has commissioned a resource report from Ryder Scott Company to reflect the

Company's delineation drilling activities in the fall of 2008 and 2009. The results of this report are

expected to be available by May 2009.

Alberta Oilsands commissioned two reports from Ryder Scott at the completion of the Company's

March 2008 drilling program and core analysis at Clearwater; a resource assessment update and

a net present value (NPV) cash flow evaluation of the potential conventional SAGD projects for

these resources. These reports were completed in July 2008, prior to the Company's delineation

drilling in the fall of 2008 and into 2009. An excerpt of these reports follows.

Resource assessment:

Ryder Scott presented Alberta Oilsands with a National Instrument 51-101 compliant independent

resource report in July 2008 dated June 1, 2008. The report attributed an estimated contingent

(recoverable) resource of 320 million barrels over five sections. This represents a 59% increase

from the 2007 report. The following table summarizes the contingent (recoverable) resources

assignment history at the Fort McMurray Clearwater properties.





Independent Contingent Resource Assignments Volume




Total Contingent Resources October 2007 (pre drill results) 201.0


Additional Assignment March 2008 (pre drill results) 15.0


Total Contingent Resources March 2008 (pre drill results) 216.0



Additional Assignment June 2008 (post drill results) 104.0


Total Contingent Resources, June 2008 320.0


Net present value cash flow evaluation report:

On July 10, 2008, the Company released the Ryder Scott net present value (NPV) cash flow

evaluation report and memorandum for two separate potential 10,000 barrels per day SAGD

projects in Alberta Oilsands' Fort McMurray Clearwater West and Clearwater East project areas.

The report, with an effective date of July 1, 2008, was prepared in accordance with the Canadian

Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook (the COGE Handbook) and estimates the unrisked total before

income tax net present value discounted at 10% (BFIT NPV10) at approximately $635 million:

NPV10 at approximately $328 million for Clearwater West and NPV10 at approximately $308

million for Clearwater East. This scoping valuation is based on preliminary cost and timing

estimates, provided by a third party engineering firm, along with the contingent resources

assigned to the Clearwater West and East areas as announced in the Company's news release

on July 2, 2008 and an assumed WTI oil price of US$80 per barrel.

The Company has obtained a net present value update with a US$55 WTI price which estimates

the unrisked total, before tax, at NPV10 of Alberta Oilsands' Clearwater East and West projects at

$464 million, therefore the Company believes that, based on certain assumptions and conditions,

its projects continue to be economically viable. See "Oilsands Development Risks" in the MD&A.

Excerpts of the valuation results for Alberta Oilsands' Clearwater West and Clearwater East

potential 10,000 bpd SAGD Projects over three constant price scenarios are shown below with

the respective bitumen volumes:

Fort McMurray Clearwater West Project Scoping Economics

Net Present Value of

Future Net Revenue

(Before Income Tax)

Gross at Constant Price

Bitumen US/Cdn WTI Bitumen ----------------------------

Volume Exchange Price Blend 8% 10% 12%

(MMB) Rate (US$/Bbl) (Cdn$/Bbl) (Cdn$MM) (Cdn$MM) (Cdn$MM)


91.0 0.82 $55.00 $47.73 $347 $237 $157

91.0 0.95 $80.00 $51.72 $464 $328 $230

91.0 1.00 $100.00 $58.89 $536 $386 $276

Fort McMurray Clearwater East Project Scoping Economics

Net Present Value of

Future Net Revenue

(Before Income Tax)

Gross at Constant Price

Bitumen US/Cdn WTI Bitumen ----------------------------

Volume Exchange Price Blend 8% 10% 12%

(MMB) Rate (US$/Bbl) (Cdn$/Bbl) (Cdn$MM) (Cdn$MM) (Cdn$MM)


78.2 0.82 $55.00 $47.73 $319 $227 $148

78.2 0.95 $80.00 $51.72 $429 $308 $218

78.2 1.00 $100.00 $58.89 $498 $364 $263

Notes: Assumptions include: peak production rate at 10,000 bpd and end of

life decline at 30% until economic limit is reached. Bitumen Blend refers

to realized bitumen price of a marketable mixture of bitumen and diluents

(condensate) that is roughly equivalent to a Lloydminster heavy oil

blend. Sustaining and operating costs of $8.61/bbl of bitumen were used.

The proposed new Alberta royalty regime and anticipated Federal green

house gas levy were also used.

Review of Conventional Operations

Alberta Oilsands uses cash flow from its growing base of conventional production to assist in

funding general and administrative expenses. In addition to producing an average of 61 boe per

day ("boe" or barrels of oil equivalent) of conventional production in Alberta during 2008, Alberta

Oilsands entered into a significant conventional farm-in agreement in the first quarter of 2009

related to properties in northwest and central Alberta. Pursuing conventional exploration plays

allows Alberta Oilsands to prudently invest capital raised through the sale of flow-through shares

in 2008, providing access to incremental production and consequently funding until markets

return to normal.

As part of the farm-in agreement, AOS successfully completed a significant Slave Point

exploration discovery well at Hamburg in northwest Alberta. The Company has a 50% working

interest in the well, and testing in the pipeline started on April 1, 2009 with the well tied into the

local gathering system. The well was placed on production at rates averaging 833 (416 net) boe

per day. All produced gas and associated liquids are being processed and sold. This well is

expected to pay the reduced 5% royalty for its first 500 mmcf of production.

Annual Operating Highlights


2008 2007



Petroleum and natural gas sales ($) 2,032,513 2,980,974

Petroleum & natural gas sales per boe ($) 91.39 67.08

Daily sales volumes (boe 6:1) 61 122

Net loss for the period ($) (4,734,313) (2,754,755)

Net loss per share - basic and diluted ($) (0.07) (0.06)

Cash flow used in operations ($) (1,257,504) (581,763)

Capital expenditures ($) 15,623,603 20,221,545

Working capital as at December 31 14,560,866 7,664,662

Common shares outstanding as at December 31 79,651,375 53,542,098


Alberta Oilsands continues to believe in the future viability of the oil sands in Alberta. The

Company believes the oil sands are viable in the medium and long-term thanks to operating

leverage and technological advances that reduce environmental impact, the province's proximity

to the United States and the global supply-demand equation. Alberta Oilsands is well positioned

to tap into this future because of the characteristics of its proposed in-situ SAGD method of

bitumen extraction. Alberta Oilsands' SAGD operation at Clearwater West would be close to

infrastructure, allow for low injection pressure, have no bottom water, would have a deep water

source and a water disposal zone and competent cap rock.

Alberta Oilsands has a healthy balance sheet. The Company raised $23.5 million from January to

August 2008, allowing the Company to end the year on December 31, 2008 with $19.0 million in

the bank and no debt.

The Company's focus for 2009 is to submit a pilot project application for its Clearwater West

property. The Company believes it has sufficient working capital and revenue from conventional

production to complete the requirements for the pilot project application. The construction of the

pilot project will be dependent on the availability of capital and commodity prices. The Company

expects the global downturn to be felt for some time; however, expects healthier financial markets

and commodity prices in 2010, allowing for continued exploration and development of the oil


Alberta Oilsands continues to evaluate multiple approaches to finance its capital expenditures.

The preference is to proceed with projects on a 100% working interest basis, provided the capital

markets recognize the value of the assets and facilities and are conducive to the raising of project

capital at non-dilutive levels. The Company is also seeking industry and financial partners as

additional sources of funding to mitigate this risk.

Although the Company is confident in its financial strength, management has also taken steps to

lower its risk during the global financial downturn. The Company has reduced its capital program

to defer or reduce spending on exploratory projects and to focus on the projects that will get the

Company to initial oil sands production as soon as possible. In January 2009, Alberta Oilsands'

2009 capital budget has been reduced to $11.0 million, $6.0 million of which is allocated towards

the Company's oil sands assets, mostly in the Clearwater area and $5.0 million is allocated to

exploration and development of conventional opportunities. This reduced capital budget will

nevertheless still enable the Company to incur the required qualifying expenditures from the 2008

flow-through financings by December 31, 2009. The capital budget may be adjusted as

conventional opportunities arise and fiscal environment changes.

Management believes capital management, revenue from conventional production and the depth

of opportunity on its current assets all provide the Company with a strong outlook for the future.

The Company will file its annual management's discussion and analysis and audited consolidated

financial statements and notes thereto as at and for the year ended December 31, 2008 in

accordance with National Instrument 51-102 - Continuous Disclosure Obligations adopted by the

Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Additional information about the Company, including

the audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto and management's discussion

and analysis as at and for the year ended December 31, 2008, are available on the Company's

SEDAR profile at


Alberta Oilsands Inc. is a technically driven high growth energy company focused on and the

creation of long term sustainable value through the development and conversion of the

company's oil sands resources to reserves and by increasing production and cash flow on

relevant conventional oil and natural gas assets.

For further information:

Alberta Oilsands Inc., Suite 2800, 350 - 7


Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3N9, Shabir

Premji, Executive Chairman, T: (403) 232-3341, F: (403) 263-6702,


; or

Chad Dust, Executive Vice President Finance and Business Development, T: (403) 538-3191,

F: (403) 263-6702,

cdust@aboilsands.ca; Company website:


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