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Message: Re: Today's NR...r042wal

Apr 09, 2008 12:05PM
Apr 09, 2008 01:54PM
Apr 09, 2008 03:33PM
Thanks for the TA once again - always appreciated ! My feeling is that we have  seen in the last three sessions, One day of pre-anouncement (tipped off) buying, one day of manipulation coupled with high volume PP selloff, and a third day (Today) of some nervous selling early, followed by a calmer period of accumulation. I think we will now see a period of slow steady growth in share price as the news just out gets absorbed a little more. This will continue of course untill another N/R of substance is released  OR  one of the Fund companies seen on the latest tour completes thier own DD and decides that they better get a piece of this emerging company on the open market prior to an oppertunity within an upcomming PP. JMHO
Apr 09, 2008 04:28PM
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