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Message: Fib Chart
Lets relax fellas.... It takes all kinds to form a realistic investor pool. Seasoned vetrans from the 1987 debacle to newbies. Although Drumstick appears to be of the later, I have seen him also add to the forum through his legwork in DD. Not all of us are playing with the same cards here, and there are some on this board who are really nervous with the paper loss achieved thus far. Lets keep an open mind and try to assist each other in the end goal here, TO MAKE MONEY!!!. Putting a poster who brings perhaps a negative slant once in a while may be easy, but it also tends to "Sanitize" the board if you get the ALDA PUN. Having been subjected to the SH forum and it's Pumpers/Bashers. I cannot see Drumstick in this catagory!!! - He will not get the ignore from me untill he crosses over to that type of posting. I'm wondering if it isn't the SP of APH that has got us all on edge. Maybe it's time for me to sell my APH and buy shares in a company that markets VALLIUM!!! LOL - GLTA and remember our time is comming soon! - Paul
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