The swine flue news release, like all the other news releases pertaining to things like patents and virus' killed, all add value to the company. However, in the end it all comes down to sales figures because this is how pharma companies make money.
My guess is that everyone is convinced that this is a fantastic product and it has the potentil to kill most of what ails mankind, but now investors want to get down to the meat & potatoes of their investment - sales.
If we don't have sales, we are not going to see a return on our investment. Getting the product on the shelves in Canada is a very monumental start and this is what everyone is expecting. This not only lays the foundation for future distribution channels, it adds credibility to the company and its product thereby attracting the interests of other markets such as the United States.
The DIN is necessary if this product is going into a drugstore. I would expect Alda to play this as two separate news releases. The first being the issuance of the DIN followed shortly with another news release with the branding and retail information.