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Message: Exit strategy

Exit strategy

posted on May 02, 2008 12:54PM

Having an exit strategy is important and I do not want to get holding the bag if and when there is a selloff. If you think about it, there are a lot of people who bought in early that have set a target and are anxious to sell and reap some of the rewards. I have no idea what the target is but mine was originally 1.80 - 2.00 when I started buying at .19 and .24.

Then there are another group of investors who bought in over 1.00 who are scared, frustrated and anxious to get their money back. In both cases, I am expecting substancial selloffs when the big news releases come out. People that chased the stock were not wise players and will be the most likely to sell when they reach the point where they bought in over 1.00.

A part of me just wants to set my five sell orders and walk away until September. Of course, buy & holds never make as much so I find myself continually reworking my sell orders because I plan to buy back on the pulls.

First I had 20,000 at 1.10, 20,000 at 1.30, 20,000 at 1.50, 40,000 at 1.80 and the rest I was going to sit on in anticipation of a buyout or 3.00 (whichever came first).

Now I have revised my plan again again. 1.13 is a big obstacle for this stock and that was why the original sell at 1.10. Now I did away with that order completely and replaced it with 1.30. 1.57 is the 52 week high and will be another hurdle so my sell orders now look like this:

30,000 at 1.30

30,000 at 1.50

40,000 at 1.80

20,000 at 2.00

balance at 3.00 or a takeover

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