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Message: Re: Which Bulletin Board
Sep 05, 2008 02:49AM

Lausanne - first of all welcome and please post often with your thoughts amd opinions. Also love your jokes on TCC. My problem with MMN, if you call it a problem, is that firstly we all support the same goal here. To benefit from the growth of this unique company as it grows into a real going concern. I do not want the head of this company tied up in his office sending out E-mail after e-mail answering basicly the same 10 questions over and over again every two weeks or so. His time & energy is far better spent on other aspects of this venture that will see all of us profit from. MMN is IMHO promoting TCC over the good of APH. What better way of helping the SP of ALDA than to allow all investors the accurate, TIMELY, company news that all investors deserve. I'm sure Dr T Owens, if questioned, would rather have his answers open to public forums once, rather than he being inendated with 100's of E-Mails weekly all pertaining to the same questions. Lets face it, putting a dozen questions together about a company's progress is not rocket science. Do we want TO answering E-Mails all day or advancing this company!

Sep 05, 2008 05:47AM
Sep 05, 2008 07:32AM
Sep 05, 2008 08:39AM

Sep 05, 2008 09:20AM
Sep 05, 2008 10:01AM
Sep 05, 2008 10:26AM
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