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Message: Re: Another one is ticked-off!!! - TB
Dec 02, 2008 10:32AM

There is no doubt in my mind that TB is ticked off, as are the rest of us who have been in here for the long haul. The SP sucks, there has been scew up after screw up with the appropriate finger pointing at suppliers, the government, the SEC/APH lawyers and yes for a large part at TO himself. The missed deadlines and poor choices in bringing product to the shelves where we can finaly see improvement to sales and thus the bottom line. Where TB and I disagree is our long term view of the company & thus the shareprice looking forward. He has changed his outlook to "Trading shares" as opposed to the long term "Hold". After reading his update it is IMHO he is frustrated with TO's continued emphasis on Cash preservation as opposed to moving the shareprice by spending forward on the product & advertising campaign. I don't really know which has the more prudent plan, but Dr Owen is the leader of this company and it appears that he is sticking to his original plan. It is my hope that he has the long term health of this company in his sights.I beleive that TB has a much shorter outlook at the company. By not having to go to the public with an extremely underpriced offering, which would be a needed evil if we launched in this enviroment, he is protecting against a heavy dilution in shares. Yes he is costing us a short term benifit of a rising SP, but in the long term may be saving us literaly dollars per share when we do launch under better conditions. The erosion of Alda's S/P was not only due to the market meltdown, but a combination of factors a lot of which were out of the control of TO. I am 1 1/2 years into my five year target and will not waver from this. I have learned along the path of 30 years of investing, that the time to buy shares in the companies that you believe in, is when others are sick to thier stomaches over the share price. I think at .08 per share we have arrived at the puking point !! - Paul

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