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Message: Just a thought !!!

Jan 07, 2009 09:51AM

This goes out to all APH investors on the north side of the boarder only. If you truely believe in the Alda story, as I do, then this collapse in S/P may have presented you with an opertunity. What I have done is, over Christmas, created a new Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) with BMO. I had several trading accounts with BMO prior to the governments anouncement, and over the last 2 weeks transfered $5000 worth of APH from my open account to this new TFSA account. At this depressed S/P I was able to take aprox. 1/4 of my shares and made them tax free & capital gains free going forward. If Alda (and this is a big IF) is able to reach what I see as thier potential, this move could save you MEGA tax/capital gains costs in the future, and it does not cost anything but your time. Just a thought.... Lets try to reap some benefit from this meltdown - Paul

Jan 08, 2009 09:53AM

Jan 09, 2009 02:07PM
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