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Message: Update from Alda

I have faith that the promo team for APH will educate the consumers re the difference between germ & virus as we go forward in the fall/winter flu season.There is quite a difference in killing germs in a petri dish, than eliminating a virus in a social enviroment. I would take it from T.O.'s responce to your question that out focus going forward will be on APH's positives rather that Purell's negatives (lets face it ... this is our main compition here!!) Far too great an exposure to legal liabilities if you focus on slamming other's products., IMO What we will need shortly after retail launch is some of the free air time that may or may not accompany an "Olympic Sponser" as we approach Feb. I can see that there will be a hand sanitizer in every home in Canada by winters end if H1N1 returns with a vengence in the fall.Typically cross over viruses come out in a wave as recently seen worldwide, then almost go dorment for 3-6 months while they either gather strength or in some cases just fade away. H1N1 has not seemed to go dormant here which is scary. Given the fact that this virus is 4 times as contagious as the seasonal Flu virus, we could all be in a little danger this fall. The reason that the Flu virus is so prevalent in the winter season is that the virus is airbourne on the tiny droplets that are spread through sneezing and coughing. Durring the hotter months of summer the air is heavier with humitity & this pushes the droplets down where they are less likly to spread. Durring the cold months, less humitity viruses stay airbourne longer & coupled with the sneezing coughing that goes on...well you get the picture. *A sanitizer in every home* Early indications are the school systems are already gearing up for it as we speak. Look for a slight build in S/P as we approach the Sept 3 PP closeing. If T.O. has requested an open market purchace from the recent PP recipients some may try to jump the gun before the official close of the PP - also JMHO - Paul

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