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Message: Target

Re: Target - Fool #1 -thebouch

in response to by
posted on Sep 18, 2009 11:13AM

Guessing S/P for next week is hard enough these days. It is a "Fools Game" to guess 1 year forward... But Hey, I'm as big a fool as the next guy LOL!! Will we still be trading? I believe so. The way Alda moves it may take a year for others to really begin to covet what Alda owns here. As far as price looking forward, lots of "ifs & buts " to concider here. Does H1N1 pandemic continue to grab headlines and with it the massive demand for sanitizers? Does Alda have pent up sales & orders that we are unaware of at this point? Does T.O. have the expertise required to parlay the Olympic investment into sales & brand recognition worldwide? Can we educate the general public effectivly to the benefits of a higher alcohol content as a primary germ/virus killer 70% versus 62% in Purell. This combined with the residual kill effect brought about by Alda's addition of 0.15% Benzalkonium Chloride to our special mixture. It has been reported, even by myself, I must admit, that APH products should virtualy sell themselves. This is of course just wishful thinking. So my next question... Does Alda have the personnel in house to make these major deals that seperate a .35c want-to-be from the multy dollar per share going concern? Yesterday it was reported that the airlines were to begin distribution of sanitizing wipes on flights, for instance. Does T.O. continue to sell off his personal portfolio and in effect place un-needed negative presure on our S/P? Have sales in China warrented further contracts & will this info be presented shortly? As you can see G_M your question about share price in a year could evoke dozens of questions from a LT investor such as the three of us IMO. -Back to the 'Fool's Game' LOL. IF T.O. can execute his plan in a TIMELY MANNER & has surrounded himself with very competent people I believe the APH S/P will be over our $1.57 all time high by year end. In 1 year if the above mentioned concerns are no longer an issue I could see S/P in the $3 - $4 range. - All of course just MHO - thebouch

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