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Message: My Opinion( FWIW )

My Opinion( FWIW )

posted on Oct 23, 2009 09:52AM

After reading the banter back & forth on this site over the last day or two I can't help but believe that there are points on both sides having degrees of merit. In my own case, I bought into the Alda story over two & half years ago. First as a potential flip on technical indicators, then as a Long term hold on what I percieved to be a truely unique oppertunity with immence upside potential. Any time you throw hard earned money into ANY company starting up, the risk is huge, and conversly the reward should also be the same. Companies listed on the venture exchange are, as we all realize, subject to incredible swings due to dozens of different forces at work. Greed , frear, news worthy items, manipulation, markets in general, as well as the possibility of major revenue generating products comming to market, can all move a tiny companies' fortune in both directions at what may appear the speed of sound. Alda has already experienced this major movement once (In both directions I'm afraid) This is not to conclude that it won't enjoy the same type of upward thrust in the future. Perhaps brought on by some of the fundamentals talked about by those suggesting near term gains are immenent, or perhaps by the gains brought about by the advancement of the companies theraputic applications. I agree with the ultimate outcome suggested by both factions here...APH will be worth a lot more someday down the road. When I took on my LT position , I did so with a five year window. Plenty has happened since then, and as with most plans , I've had to alter the time-line once again. In order to fully appreciate the value of this company, and gain the share value from a theraputic line, I have added two more years to the exit strategy. I fully believe that there will also be several more oppertunities for those happy with a buck or two to get out of APH long before I do in what will probably be another 4 - 5 more years. If the market moved strictly the way it is supposed to move I might be inclined to take the position that we shareholders will be stuck here in this range for a while. Lets face it though...the market seldom reacts the way we believe it should., especially the venture exchange. All it takes is one or two unknowns to occur and we could be at $2.00 or .02c - Your in the worlds' largest casino ladies & gentlemen..You would do well not to forget that - Paul

Oct 23, 2009 10:03AM
Oct 23, 2009 11:13AM

Oct 23, 2009 07:19PM
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