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Message: Re: Holy Crap Batman

Oct 31, 2012 05:10PM

Nice to see someone still on this forum.

They released their financials and md&a on the 28th, and predictably it was not pretty. I suppose the reason the price went up was because perhaps was a sign to some investors that the lights are still on (although I bet they're flickering).

It seems that with the departure of ex-CFO Peter Chen, that he took the licensing and rights to sell T36 with him. Although Alda still retains the intellectual rights and patents to T36, Peter took the licensing to his company, Proterra, in lieu of his back-payment of his exhorbitant management salary. I would seriously like to to know what his contributions were to forwarding Alda aside from hiring kids from Douglas college.

It looks like TO is trying to re-invent Alda. Looks like Peter got the good deal though. Leaving with all the work and our money to bring T36 to market, and sticking us with the $875k that's owing to the Olympic Committee.

Jan 09, 2013 10:07AM
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