Ocean particularily seems to be missing you this morning. Mind you they keep claiming I am you. So I guess it is your fault I keep getting locked out. I hope you are right about the meeting. Mind you Ocean will probably claim she had a change of hart and bought in at the lowest point ever. Seems she now bought TLM before the take over. Just as she was first to bring up the bond. Intesting how I got locked out at 8:30 am yesterday and today and she was the only one commenting at the time today. Starting to really wonder what the game is and who is paying Yara or ICL maybe? Even wondering about Stockhouses involvement as they seem to not really want to fix the lock out thing. I went as far as asking them to only allow gmail access to my account in an attemp to stop the lock out and password change requests. They agreed yesterday but no improvement today yet. Can you shed any light.