On December 18, a due diligence meeting for Allana Danakhil Potash Project in Ethiopia was held in Chonfar. Representatives from China Communications Construction Company Ltd., Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Group Company Ltd. Allana Potash Company from Canada, and Ercosplan Ingenieurgesellschaft Geotechnik und Bergau(ERCOSPLAN ) participated the discussion. On half of the Institute , Liu Xiaoli, the Vice president and chief engineer delivered a warm welcome to all the guests.
As a great honor, Chonfar is commissioned to undertake the feasibility study for Allana Danakhil project, which located within the Danakhil Depression, Afar State, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. This is the first time for Chonfar to undertake a potash project in Ethiopia.
The meeting went on for two days, during which all representatives had deep and thorough communications and discussions about the project technologies. What’s more, Mr. Liu Xiaoli also introduced the new client Chonfar’s achievements and business home and abroad, including the ongoing potash project in Africa—Mengo Potash project in the Republic of Congo. Mr. Liu Xiaoli analyzed and compared the two projects from multi aspects, presenting the new partners with Chonfar’s technological competitiveness in potash field.