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"Friendly aquisition" of Prodigy Gold (Oct. 2012) / > 100k ounces in 2012

Message: Cash for TFSA's

This is the last few days to sell in your RRSP and raise cash to take out before year end..pay tax on withdrawal and put into TFSA 1 January for a whole year of tax free investing.

Gotta pay on RRSP withdrawal sooner than later but if you do it a little at a time it saves taxes by not coming all at once in a tax year,...

Start winding down your RRSPs at the age of 60...to 65 at the latest..

I started at 60 winding down my wife's and my RRSPs and pay virtually no tax every year..


Dec 18, 2012 10:47AM
Dec 18, 2012 10:54AM
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