Welcome To The Argonaut Gold Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

"Friendly aquisition" of Prodigy Gold (Oct. 2012) / > 100k ounces in 2012

Message: Thanks to jwits


T'anks for keeping us old retreaded PDG investors informed of the structure and policy's and general info on ARGO..

AR is flying today with the Americans back in the market.

And it is nice to hear that Magino is back in the line ups at the end where it should be..that will take oodles of cash to mine and not in the cards until AR builds up the war chest with GOLD!!! ..Yes..!!GOLD!!! to mine Magino which will take a good $200 million to go before any return from the ground will start to refill the AR coffers.

IN other words ,the management of this company is doing its due diligence in maintaining and increasing share holder value.

NO more share sell offs for cash..GOLD for cash..that is what we want to see and hear.

Good on the management ..so different fro those PDG fools..


Jan 22, 2013 10:24AM
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