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"Friendly aquisition" of Prodigy Gold (Oct. 2012) / > 100k ounces in 2012

Message: Re: Crikey!!!!...SEll!!!
Feb 20, 2013 09:10AM
Market Chatter: Gold Declines to Six-Month Low on Signs of Economic Improvement27 minutes ago

08:44 AM EST, 02/20/2013 (MidnightTrader) -- "Gold futures slid to a six-month low in the worst losing streak in more than a year as signs of economic improvement curbed demand for a protection of wealth. Silver fell to the lowest since August and platinum dropped," Bloomberg said.

"Gold declined for a fifth session as global equities reached the highest since June 2008. The Federal Reserve will publish minutes of its Jan. 29-30 policy meeting today and Labor Department data on producer prices today and on consumer costs tomorrow will show inflation is in check, economists surveyed by Bloomberg said."

Maybe it is not Rico Pissing off the Leprechauns...


Feb 20, 2013 09:55AM
Feb 20, 2013 10:02AM
Feb 20, 2013 10:32AM
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