I was intrigued so I googled "ten rules of silver investing"
Follow this link: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Ten+ru...
Here they are (from above link):
1. When all else fails, there is silver
2. Start small- keep it simple.
3. Boost the buying powerBuying Power
4. Dollar--cost average to lower your costs--and increase your discipline.
5. Do not get a raw deal from your dealer.
6. What's yours is yours--so keep it that way.
7. Silver speculation's like cough syrup- good in small doses, but too much can make your portfolio sick
8. A little information can mean a lot more dollars.
9. Collecting silver rarities is an art--but not really an investment.
10. More than 25 per cent is too much of a good thing.
Or go to source:
Ten Rules for Silver Investing, by David Morgan
Rule #1 - When all else fails, there is silver