high performance solar technology

A Bright Future Leveraged by High-Efficiency ARISE PV Cells

Message: Re: Letter to Financial Post editor from Tichelman...

I'm guessing, going into the holidays, that no one is really out there. Some of you in the forum may have sold off your positions, or, just have nothing to say about APV and the industry in general. I'd rather read other's opinions and see their intererst than state my own. In any event, I've determined that it would be best to increase my position in this company for a whole bunch of reasons including the 4 year contract they have just signed. If anyone can shed more light on that, that would be good, but in any event, seems to me this company is branching out into other solar avenues with the automotive industry. Can only be good in my mind. With all of the bad news out there, I think there is one thing that seems to be very clear. The world financial markets are not right and we have, or, are, entering a period of long term pain. I'm hearing this all over. Everywhere I go. What everyone fails to realize is that amidst this catastrophy, there is tons of opportunity. APV continues to push their way through what appears bitter doom and one way or another, this company will either be bought out, or be one of the biggest stories of our time.

8 months ago, most of us kept dumping cash into the markets because we felt it could just keep going. We could all be rich. Now, we decide its time to take it out and hold on for a better day. Well, I must say, from a positive perspective, we are never, ever, in our lifetimes (depending on your age now) going to see an opportunity to take advantage of rock bottom stock prices and real estate prices over the next 6 to 12 months. Its definitely going to be choppy, but, unless something fundamentally changes with the way we do business on a global basis, then, now and over the next number of months is the time to create your fortunes for yourselves and your family. We will never see this opportunity again for at least another 20 years or so. Oil will go to $70 per barrel for sure, but that will be fueled by production cuts, demand declines and price fixing. We will always need it though but our needs will be dictated by global warming issues. We will all wake up one morning and realize that alternative sources of energy are more cost effective in the long run, once the big 3 and the unions that support the bailout realize that no amount of money can help continue what has ultimately been failing for years. Change has come and will continue to come and there is more opportunity for all of you to turn greater profits than there was 8 months ago. A blessing in disguise I guess for those that get it.

All the best to APV holders in the holidays and in the new year. Hope to see some of your names in some of the other forums as I look to find value and opportunity because I'll never get this chance again to really build personal wealth.


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