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Message: PDAC Update on Tribute

PDAC Update on Tribute

posted on Mar 11, 2010 11:40AM

For anyone that has never attended PDAC I can not recommend it highly enough. It is well worth the cost and the effort. The contacts that are made are essential to successful investing.

Last year we went solely on the recommendation of Don in Thunder Bay and it would be an understatement to say that it more than paid for itself. Thanks again Don.

This year we paid daily visits to the Tribute booth and talked to Ian, Peter, Zenon, Jay and gang.

Tribute continues to drill on their highly prospective Friday anomaly.

In the fall they drilled 7 holes and found MMS (magmatic sulphides) containing low grades of nickel and copper in each hole. None of those holes were drilled below 100 meters.

Subsequently Tribute has been successful in signing an agreement with the FN of Webequie which is allowing them to continue to explore in the Ring of Fire while others are idle due to the blockade.

Trevor Boyd, Tribute's chief geologist, was on site conducting the current drilling program and was on his way to PDAC when he slipped on the ice in Webequie and broke a hip.

The plan was for Trevor to prepare a press release for PDAC reporting on the progress of the drilling. However he is now in hospital in Toronto and prevented from completing his report.

The good news is that another geologist, Zennon, has been dispatched to RoF and the drilling is continuing. We can expect a progress report when Zennon has revieved the status of the drilling.

I just got off the phone with Peter and he confirms that the first batch of core has been sent to the lab and assay results should be available in 2 weeks. A second batch of core will be flown out this week.

Both Peter and Ian have stated that it is not their intention to report on visuals because visuals can be misleading. However they point out that drilling is continuing and assays are being sent out to the lab. The insinuation is that they would not waste money on assays if there was not some indication that it is worth assaying.

At PDAC Peter and Ian spotted their current drilling locations on the area map. It was interesting that they are concentrating several of their current drill locations in a tight ring around and under hole #9. They are about to drill hole 16 (in the proximity of hole #9) which means the current program has included 9 holes to date.

The first hole drilled (#8) was on the ice in a flooded area. According to the airborn geophysics available this was a very prospective anomaly. Core from this drilling was also sent to the lab.

As much as we tried we were unable to get Ian or Peter to tell us any information about what they have found other than to say they are still drilling.

Personally I am very encouraged that they are still drilling and they are sending core to the lab. When I couple that info with the results of the fall drilling , I am very excited.

At these sp prices (11 cents), this is a great opportunity to generate a compund return. Consider that Noront was once trading at $7.50. Tributes' previous results indicate that this is similar volcanic material to what was found at Eagle One.

I will be eagerly awaiting these drill results.


Mar 11, 2010 01:38PM
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