Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: perhaps Aru should be in the U.S. not

perhaps Aru should be in the U.S. not

posted on Oct 18, 2007 06:51PM
that the global commodity boom is underway governments everywhere from Calgary to
Kazakhstan are revving up their taxation engines. In the US the Mining Law of 1872 is
about to be replaced by a punishing new tax bill that may enact 8% royalties on mining
projects in the US. This will have the unintended longer term effect of halting a great
deal of US mining. In the process such taxation will remove supply thus increasing metal
prices and hence it will stimulate the insidiously silent tax of inflation.
The Presidential pretenders believe that they must raise taxes. Taxes are key to a strong. Quote from Michael Berry
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