Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: News


posted on Oct 31, 2007 06:33AM

Fellow Longs,

The good news just keeps coming out of Ecuador and ARU as I predicted it would.

Ecuador was just voted the best place to retire in all of the world, mines are being given permits to work, majors are entering the country in order to explore and very positive statements about mining have been put forth by the Correa administration and followed by positive action.

While the bashers on the other boards were crying wolf about the politics and fear mongering in order to create a PERCIEVED political risk. I cautioned everyone to remain calm and advized that there was no more real political risk with regards to mining than in any other country with a mining industry and very likely quite less risk. This was because Ecuador does not have a mining industry and it wishes to gain one so it must put policies in place to attract investment. Quite simple and logical. It wishes to attract investment in order to create jobs, bring in foreign currency, create future revenue by producing something that is skyrocketing in terms of US dollars, which just happens to be there national currency.

I see that the manipulator/basher  (singular on purpose because he is the same person at the moment) on the other board has been wondering were I have been. Well I am here as I have been for the last going on 4 years. By the way, where is BritNick, oh right, he said he was going to sell at $8.50 and cautioned us just resently not to get greedy.

 Curious at 8.50, is that not about when Antonius reappeared with his constant postings about how we should all be afraid of the politics in Ecuador hahahahaha.

In regards to the latest news for those who may feel that ARU does not plan to sell FDN and go it alone. Rest assured FDN will be sold and for a very high price. Like I said before, I would be disappointed if we longs did not get $50.00 per share. In the mean time ARU is proceeding ahead to show that they mean business and are adding value to the company. These latest individuals that ARU has hired will all be needed in order to start the developement of the decline ramp planed for next year. Judging from the location, this ramp even though it for ARU's purposes is being done so that they can set up underground DD stations in order to more efficiently expand and locate FDN resourse. It will be driven to full size in order accomodate eventual mine underground production. This will further enhance share holder value.

Over the last couple of weeks the traders keep selling in the hopes ARU will retrace again and this time they are being left behind or have to rebuy higher. The funds thank those that are selling as they ever increase there positions. For those traders who though it would retrace to those rediculous valuations for a fourth time, all I have to say is that I though you were pushing your luck when it retraced for the second time. I congradulate the MM on there strategy and thank them for showing me a few things that I did not know.

To all those investors who sold, you altimately only have youselves to blame. You cannot say that we longs did not try our best to put forth logical arguements to get investors to go long also and even buy more on the dips.

To all the bashers/manipulators out there, like I said before, he who laughs last laughs best and with the cost average of my latest shares bought on the 3 pull backs I am up 44% now over the last 11 months. I also never had to risk my very large initial position at cost average of 0.64 presplit to do it. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


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