Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Cause & Effect.

Cause & Effect.

posted on Oct 31, 2007 07:48AM

Fellow Investors,

if you wish to be truely successfull in the markets than you must understand the fundimentals of supply and demand and ask yourself with regards to any sector you plan to invest in the 5 W's ( who, what, where, when & why ) and where they fit into the supply and demand chain. It is not enough to just ask about a couple of the 5 W's as most investors do. A complete DD must be done on all of them.

Take for example the upcoming FED rate decision. Personally even though I dislike making short term predictions, predict they will lower rates because it is the least painfull and truely only choice they have left if they wish to salvage anything.

The US FED is an old toothless dog who's bark is just marginally worse than his bite hahahahahahaha. This is because no matter what they do they will be ineffectual. The reason for this is because the US is so heavily in debt that they have no choice but to print more money in order to devalue that present debt if the US is to have any hope of in the future even paying the interest on 9+ trillion dollars. This eventually creates inflation which is good for gold and bad for the US economy in the long term. It does benefit certain US businesses and governement in the short term however. If the FED does not cut rates then the economy and big business collapse even quicker which leads to mass unemployment and a plung in tax revenue. Thus US government will be even less able to pay off debt or interest, stock market will crash, foreign investors will pull there money out and the US dollar will still plummet off a big cliff hahahahaha.

No matter which angle you look at it whether it be from a hyper inflation ( most likely ), deflation, stagflation, recession or depression angle the US dollar is doomed because they have passed beyound the event horizon of no return. In other words they as a country are as one former treasury official stated bankrupt. They have entered a viscious economic cycle that is non repairable because there government took on too much debt.

This is cause and effect and it is inescapable. That is why my whole investment porfolio is in commodities of one type or another right now. For those of you out there that perhaps think this is crazy then listen to Warren Buffet who I quote “Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing." hahahahahahahahaha.

Fellow longs, here is to the US FED choosing the path of least resistance and cutting interest rates today and ARU climbing over $10.00/share setting a new closing high on the news.

Lets hope that those individuals who are really in charge of the FED do not have them raise rates because they are short the US markets and wish to make a killing by watching it crash hahahahahaha. This most likely would put a damper in the short term on gold & ARU but it would not be for long. In the intermediate term for gold it would be even better as the whole US economy collapses that much quicker making people rush to it in order to protect there remaining wealth.



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