Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Newmont


posted on Nov 01, 2007 07:08AM

Fellow Investors,

here is another statement from Newmont yesterday that reaffirms that they are still in the maket to aquire gold properties.

"Nonetheless, O'Brien said Newmont will continue to look into junior companies that will eventually give Newmont operating gold exposure."

Newmont is also selling off it's merchant banking division to concentrate on being a gold producer. Perhaps they are accumilating a war chest for a very large deal hahahahahaha.

Lets see, they have moved into Equador and ARU's FDN property has the potential to contain 60 million high grade ounces once the faulted off western block is located to depth. This could be located within the next  4 - 6 months. This certainly would give them lots of operating gold exposure.

Abe, thanks for your usual support. I suppose there are some posters that beleive I can be a hot head but that is far from the trueth. Those bashers who came over to this board from the other site and tried to goad me into a confrontation upon my arrival here found out soon enough that they had misjudged me. I can be a perfect gentleman and quite charming when I wish too. My style of posting on the other board was done because it was the most expedient method for someone with limited free time to discredit posters who are B.B. manipulators in my opinion.

In most cases I was laughing  to myself everytime I bashed a basher and while I never have ever intentionally picked a fight in my life. I unfortunately to this day have never been able to walk away from one either hahahahaha. They got what was coming to them in my opinion. I have no doubt that they are responsible for influencing certain investors to prematurly sell ARU when under there own volition they would not have.

This board is so much more civilized that there is no need for me to lower myself by getting into the ditch with the manipulators/bashers in order to counter there propaganda.

Safeharbour, I just read Rich9 post on the other board and while he brought up an interesting possibility there has been manipulators/bashers running rampant on S.H. for years. I have always enjoyed Rich9 posts in regards to ARU and am wondering why it is that he is unable to post on this site. Perhaps you could clear this up, if I do not hear an answer from you I will take it to mean that it is non of my business hahahahahaha.


Nov 01, 2007 07:29AM
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