Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: An potential benchmark for an ARU offer.

Re: An potential benchmark for an ARU offer.

posted on Nov 03, 2007 09:05AM


once again you are alone in your opinion amongst us ARU longs only on a different B.B. this time. The last time you were alone was when you were constantly posting that us longs should be afraid of the politics and Correa.
This time it is raising the possibility constantly that FDN will not and should not be sold off.

You write:

"hit me!" the takeout card gets played so much on these forums one begins to wonder if it isn't one poster with many, many aliases.

It is funny that you bring that up, I was going to say the exact same thing in regards to the latest tactic of those who are constantly posting trying to bring doubt into the whole takeover scenario.

It would seem to me that you and Antonious on the other B.B. have exactly the same thoughts in regards to a FDN sell off. Perhaps you can discuss it with him over there.

You write:

"imo a takeout may be the "easiest" but it won't be the most gratifying or financially rewarding."

Well you certainly are correct in stating a take out would be the easiest. How you can claim it would be the most gratifying for others I do not know (speak for yourself only) and as far as rewarding then I suggest that you do a little more DD into the present lack of experienced personnel in mining. On second though I will save you the trouble and tell you that there is a large shortfall of experienced personel in all aspects of the mining industry from the ground floor up. This has come from almost 30 years of neglect in hiring and training of new personnel to replace those leaving for one reason or another. I know this for a fact because I get paid vary handsomely too train mining personel in all aspects of production mining right from the drillers up to the engineers. Right now I have the ability to come and go as I please and work whereever in the world I wish while demanding top dollar for my services. This is because there is a severe shortfall in experienced workers and this will continue for years to come. Companies for a number of years now have put in rehiring restrictions on miners who wished to leave the company and come back to work on the property as a contracter. A friend of mine was just turned down resently for a mine manager position at a new start up company because the company he presently works for enforced a work force competion agreement the two companies entered into that is effective for 1 year.

Perhaps it has never dawned on you why most of the mining companies out there are reporting lower production, well it is not because they all are mining lower grades, most of it is because they are having to utilize an ever increasingly less experienced work force. This will only get worse as 2008 is the year that the first of the babyboomers start retiring.

When I started in mining in 90 I for years was by far the youngest person you saw for the most part on any site. I was able to get a job when companies were laying off or not hiring because I was able to fit into many different roles that there was a need for, just not a full time need, so I became a trouble shooter anytime a special project was needed. There are very few positions in a mine that I have not held at one time or another. Starting in the industry when I did allowed me to learn from that generation of miners who were in there prime who had started in the 70's and who in turn learned from very competant miners before them. I also for the most part have worked for contractors and therefore learned from some of the best out there, miners who knew how to make money and work efficiently.

Having said that, as I travel from one site to another I am appalled at the level of incompetance I see from the basic work force right on up into management. This situation will not be fixed soon because there are just too few of us really experienced people left to meet the demand. Mine's will be left to proceed by trial and error which is not a very efficient way of training a work force or producing from a mine.

Therefore Zapper how pray tell do you expect an exploration company that has not even a broad workforce to draw from, will be able to start up a mine the size FDN from scratch. For those who think that they can contract it out, let me say that the contractors these days are manpower wise just as in as poor shape as companies. We are pulling 20 year olds who have hardly worked a day in there lives off the street and hiring them because they look big and perhaps will not be afraid to go underground hahahahahahaha.

Tell me how ARU is going to mine this deposit in the early years of start up without many production target misses and how this is going to be so gratifying and profitable for us hahahahahaha.

Of course in a sell out we will leave 20 - 30 % of the value of the deposit on the table. This is obvious, a company is not going to take it over without being able to make a profit themselves. This 20 -30 % left on the table will be well worth it in order to not have to wait the years of head aches and other missed investment opportunities while our capital is tied up in ARU. In the mean time ARU will continue to advance the project and add value to the company untill that time a major decides to make a move and make a reasonable offer. In the mean time ARU will continue to gain in value with the appreciation of gold and any further discoveries made and thus is still one of the best gold plays an investor or speculator out there can make.

You write:

"in my opinion that patrick anderson and george bee are the best people to develop the fdn mine for aru shareholders and ecuadorians."

Funny that is not the impression I got when on numerious occasions questioned the integrity of ARU management on the other B.B. Also a couple of qualified people does not make a mine the size of FDN. It will take a thousand +.

You write:

" i would like for aru to offer to shareholders a gold coin specially minted from aru gold. imo this event as noted in the mastercard commercials would be priceless!!!"

No it would not, it would be worth slightly more than the value of the bullion it contains.

You write:

" most failure occurs because of over-confidence, over-allocation and sloppy homework. luckily, i have not been defrauded, for example enron."

Whats your point, I have never been defrauded by Enron, World Com, BreX or any of those other scam Internet scams either.

GhostZapper, your posts have in my opinion and many others on this and the other B.B. have always seemed to favour for the most part those who would attempt to detract from ARU rather than those longs who see the true value in ARU.

Fellow longs and investors, my opinion on why there is all this discussion/resistance to ARU not being taken over blah,blah,blah is to discourage possible short term speculators from buying ARU shares. Everything is being done in order to try and suppress ARU share price from gaining positive momentum.

Ghostbuster, I am about to pull out your former post from the other site where in a moment of PERCEIVED victory over me you stated you were there to manipulate and that I was a fool. It would appear in my opinion you always take the short term gain instead of the much larger longer term one like do. That one post of mine even though it irked me to write and post it drew you into admitting your intentions and continues to pay dividends to me for as long as you post under that allias. That is investing hahahahahahahaha.


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