Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Test


have you ever heard the saying, if someone lives in a glass house he should be careful when throwing rocks.

Perhaps you would like to explain why you were caught red handed posting under the alias of Aufella on the S.H. board. Perhaps you would like to explain your whole latest Traders Dream post to the KRY board on S.H. hahahahahaha. Especially this section.

/Was he miss quoted? Was the article bunk? Was the translation skewed? Did he really mean it? Does it make sense?

All those questions are legit but the answers to those questions should be looked for after you have sold/

BritNick, I really do not know what you think you willl accomplish on this site since every one here is well aware of you from S.H.

Agora has a rule that states you can express your opinion once and then that is it. Since you have now stated that you dislike the politics in Ecuador and ARU is a sell just what exactly else are you going to write about. After all, I can not recall you ever writing about anything else with regards to ARU. Perhaps since you are a trader you can actually notify us longs this time when you rebuy your shares so that we my actually profit from your wisdom also hahahahahaha. Oh ya it would be very helpful if you notify us at least on the same day you decide to buy and sell your shares also.

I wonder how all those traders who sold there shares to me and to the funds( who have every month increased the size of there ARU holdings ) are going to get there shares back hahahahahahaha.

To all those longs who have just joined us from the S.H. ARU forum welcome aboard. There are only a few legit posters from over there that have not joined up here yet, but they will soon enough. We can then all put on our rose coloured glasses and stick our heads in the sand together, this is according to BritNick of course. I prefer to think and say we will all profit hugely together.


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