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Message: Obviously Never Attended A University

Obviously Never Attended A University

posted on Nov 15, 2007 05:10PM

Fellow Longs,

I resently just got a most hilarious message in a personal inbox from a poster from this site. I will not name names but I think we can all guess who it was from.

Well this poster apparently has never attended a university because he in his post to me calls into question my being an Mining Engineer and laughs at me because he thinks he has caught me in a lie hahahaha. He thinks this because in my personal info on this site under Education I entered undergraduate instead of Mining Engineering.

Well that poster can wipe that smug smile of his face now, if he knew anything he would know that in University undergraduate studies include all those that are not involved in graduate studies or getting your Masters or Doctorate degree.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering which is an undergraduate degree program. If I had decided to get my Masters or Doctorate then that would have been an Graduate program. Once again I have educated him and I am still laughing at him hahahahahahahhahahahahah.

By the way, I told you this before and I will tell you again. I am not interested in receiving or sending you any personal inboxes.


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