Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: ARU Presentation

ARU Presentation

posted on Nov 16, 2007 05:47PM

Fellow Investors,

if you have not viewed the latest ARU presentation yet then I suggest that you take a look. It has some very interesting information, some of which I will post on later.

Heloboy, here are my thoughts on slide 29 of the presentation.

First you will note that ARU concessions encompass the whole pull apart basin and run along and encompass the Las Penas fault zone. This tells me that ARU managent new what they wanted to stake and managed to beat out all the competion by staking and registering it first. The fact that most of there claims are uninterupted by other claims is quite an accomplishment. Claim staking is a highly competitive business and the fact that ARU managed to claim all of the most prospective land for themselves is a testiment to there competance and ability.  The uniformity of there claims is highly desirable. Right now they are getting no recognition from the market for this or for the huge size of their land claims.  

First, why is it highly desirable to have continuous claims. For the simple reason that if you make a discovery and own all the claims around it then you will not have to negotiate with a secound or even third party if the mineralization happens to cross into there claims. Also the best plase to find large deposits of minerals is near to where they have been found before. Thus the chances of ARU making more discoveries is very good.

Second, why did ARU wish to stake the Las Penas fault and the pull apart basin in particular. They wished to do this because fault zones are where you commonly find with a greater degree of probability economic deposits of minerals. The higher the degree of faulting then the more likely you will find an economic mineral deposit.

In order to understand why this is you must understand how epthermal deposits are formed. Imagine under the earths crust a bubble of hydrothermal liquid, that has because of the intense pressure and heat along with other chemical reactions disolved minerals in it. This bubble would have much in common with that of an air bubble trapped under the ice. This hydrothermal fluid would move under the earths crust on convection currents looking for a means of escape similar to how an air bubble would move under the ice on water currents looking for a means of escape. When a crack appears in the earths crust then this hydrothermal fluid is forced up and escapes just as an air bubble would escape from a crack in the ice.

Unlike an air bubble, a hydrothermal fluid deposits the disolved minerals out of solution as it cools and pressure is decreased. These fault zones are the cracks in the earths crust where hydrothermal fluids can escape and deposit there minerals.

Most fault zones are relatively clean narrow breaks geologically speaking, imagine them as a  piece of paper cut with scissors. However on occasion as the fault zones slides along each other there can occure an area where the faults do not slide against each other smoothly. Ripping a tearing occure in this area along the fault and the surrounding area becomes highly fractured and can even spread apart and subside. This is refered to as a pull apart basin. This type of action is highly desirable from a hydrothermal liquid bubble point of view because it provides an even larger area and many more fractures for it to escape from.

The longer the geological time frame this fracturing occures over the better from a hdrothermal liquid bubble stand point. This is because it gives more opportunity for one or more hydrothermal fluid bubbles to come into contact with the fracture and escape through it, thus deposit there minerals. Therefore from a mineral exploration companies stand point it is also highly desirable to claim such an area of land.

From the size of the FDN mineral veins, the number of different veins, and the courseness of the gold one can deduce that this pull apart basin occured over a relatively long geological period of time. During this time it can be surmised that it was the conduit of more than one hydrothermal fluid bubble and thus a very rich deposition of minerals.

Knowing all of this, ARU has just scatched the surface of the FDN deposit not to mention the rest of there land package. This is why ARU management has hardly sold any of there shares and it is why ARU is dayly attacked by the manipulators over the last year.

Heloboy, I hope this answered any questions you had on that particular slide. 



Nov 16, 2007 06:41PM

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