Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Poll


posted on Dec 11, 2007 04:31AM

since Buck answered this on SH....

I haven't been around for a while for a few reasons I wont bother getting into now. But, since I can't seem to get to sleep I'll take a stab at the poll.

1) Although the 43-101 at 2.3g/t cutoff is 13.7mm oz or 14.0 mm equivalent, how many ounces do you think we have between FDN and Bonza right now?

- take away the bottom cutoff and you get 18m ounces. I had been saying just under 17m for months, add 500k for Bonza and another 750k on the last set of holes. Upside exists in shutes at depth, to the south and east. Potential of FDN type grades and widths exists for the western and northern faulted off blocks- both of which could dramatically add millions of ounces if/when found.

2) What do you think the price of ARU should be at the moment?

-With perceived political risk $15 a share. If play was in Canada $30 per share.

3) Who do you think will be/who would you like to be... the successful buyer of FDN?

- it seems the usually suspects don't have the balls or wisdom. I'm thinking CVRD or BHP step up.

4) What do you think the time frame will be for a takeover of FDN?

-sometime between tomorrow and 24hrs following the passing of the new mining laws.

5) What will the final takeover price of FDN be?

-royalty of 10% and tax of 30% and FDN/Bonza plus land package going 5km in each direction from the heart of FDN goes for $25per share plus a share of a new exploration company ARU2 fully cashed up.

6) Do you agree that FDN/Bonza should be sold separately spinning off the balance for exploration

-absolutely unless someone pays us for the bluesky that exists on these concessions.

Kind regards,

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