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Message: Drill Holes

Drill Holes

posted on Dec 13, 2007 08:34AM

3 Papaya holes 150, 155, 160  Since we are beyond hole 178 now I assume the Papaya drill has moved on

5 FDN Holes 170, 172, 176, 177, 178 with the last 3 assigned to FDN I would say there could be 3 drills at FDN

that leaves 3 drills elsewhere

Holes 166, 168, 171, 173 unaccounted for

This could easily be 3 different target sites as the papaya holes were numbered 5 apart 150, 155, 160, therefore 171 could be the same drill as 166 etc. Speculation only. 

My current assumption is 3 drills on FDN and 3 on regional targets


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