Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Drill Holes
A few observations from a guy who is long Aru;
1.  There are some great posters on this site who contribute analytical
     info helping us to keep our eye on the ball.
2.  There are very few securities which are at exactly the correct price.
3.  The nature of sec. mkts. is to allow us to attempt to buy               undervalued & to sell overvalued.
4.  Looking at ARU as a Cdn., I see 5 considerations--proven reserves,
     probable or future reserves, the future US price of Gold, the future
     price of the CDN $, & the political risk in Ecuador.
5.  There are 2 kinds of manipulation,  legal--conducted by central banks
     in currency, bond & gold mkts
     & illegal such as Enron, Bre-X, insiders, Worldcom & a host of very         low priced stocks.
6.  I think it's a non-starter to suggest there is manipulation in ARU.
     Why not look at it as an undervalued security?  In the end  the mkt.
     will sort it out.  If there are shorts that's a good thing as they must
     buy back.
7.  Keep the analytical work coming!!!

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